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The morning came way too fast for my liking. I barely had three hours of sleep last night. Thankfully, with the museum visit and all, breakfast is sent to our rooms today.

"I'm placing your breakfast on the table here miss," A maid says, coming in.

I nod, too tired to say anything. My mind is still buzzing with questions. And I can't even think about what Percy was saying about me last night, it'll only make my head spin worse. All I know is that I need to visit that wall in daylight. And with Jason, explaining everything. I'll send word to Leo to keep an eye on Adam from his side of the palace, along with the twins. They've already been reporting back to me about potential entrances the rebels might have used. Thalia has been quiet for a few days, no letters from her. But I know that is due to her non-stop researching. She'll be sending me another package of paper soon enough. Then there's Katie, who's been sorting through the papers too, offering me knowledge of what she's been hearing in the servant's corridors.

"Do you know what's happening today?" I croak to Andy who enters. All I know is there will be an elimination.

Andy stops to think, "There is...yes! There is tea today with the Queen."

I look at her, "That's it?"

She nods, "But don't fret, tomorrow is classes with Anne!" Of course, we'll be starting our princess classes, the closer we get to the Elite.

"Thanks, Andy," I mutter, pulling myself out of bed, too lost in thought.

"Hey? Dazed much. Snap out of it," Katie says to me. "How much sleep did you get last night?" I look at her, grinning. She places her hands on her hips, "Tell me. I know you were exploring."

"Three hours," I murmur, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, dear Lord," Katie groans. "You've got tea with the Queen today Annabeth! The Queen!"

I lazily say, "It'll be fine. There are more than enough girls to keep her busy. I won't be noticed."

"Okay, okay, we'll tell Piper. And uh," Katie paces. Clove walks in, laundry in her arms. Katie snaps her fingers, "Clove! Could you get her dressed and all? Make sure she looks decent. Andy, you can handle the rest of the laundry. I'm going to speak with a couple of people." I watch her hurry out of the room. My eyes droop. I don't think I've been this exhausted after a night mission. Although, I never have to wake up for tea with the Queen. I get to sleep all day at the base. Rest is very important. Not too much rest, but certainly not too little.

"Wake up, come on," Clove pulls me up. I hadn't realized I was falling asleep again. Oh gosh, this is going to be an interesting day.

In a blur of movement, I am seated in my chair. I feel them braid my hair, tugging every now and then. Andy attends to cleaning and laundry around me, humming. The sound lulls me to sleep.



"Good morning everyone!" I hear Piper say loudly, as usual. That shakes me awake enough to open my eyes. A black poker looking thing stabs me in the eye and I flinch, my eyes watering immediately.

"For goodness sake!" Clove splutters. She holds mascara in her hand. Scurrying into the bathroom, I watch her put some liquid on a cloth and dab at my eye. I try to keep still.

"Someone's tired," Piper comments as I stand from my chair.

"I don't want to hear it," I snap groggily, my limbs moving numbly.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you are drunk," She giggles.

I bring a hand to my head, "Can I just say I'm sick?"

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now