Blue Cookies

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I fade in and out of consciousness. Someone is carrying me. I smile wryly, feeling my eyes roll back again into my head. I giggle. What's happened to me? I raise a finger to place on the person's lips and shush them. I can't see very well, their head a blurry mess. But I feel their smile. I then rest my head on their shoulder, feeling safer than I've ever felt, despite the poison running through my veins.



"Annabeth? Oh gosh, she's dead, she's dead!!!"

"She is not dead!" Another voice chides. "Can you leave us alone for a minute?"

My eyes snap open. My breathing becomes rapid. Percy. Adam. Poison. The sandwich. It was meant for Percy. Not me. Holy. Ignoring the stars that dot my vision, I sit up. My back straightens. I scan the room seeing Piper panicking and Katie fidgeting. When they see me awake, they rush over.

"Oh my gosh Annabeth I'm so sorry, they took him –

I barely let Piper finish, saying frantically, "What do you mean they took him?! What exactly happened?"

"Well," Piper breathes, closing her eyes as if she were recalling the scene. "After you slumped over, I heard a sharp intake of breath beside me. I looked at the last second to see Percy being yanked out of the crowd and then knocked out. I screamed but a gloved hand covered my mouth. Rebels were formed around us in the hallway, Adam was trying to get to Percy. The King's men quickly disarmed the rebels surrounding us, but I have a feeling they knew what was going to happen. The last thing I saw of Percy was him being dragged out, down a hallway near the farthest side of the palace." Her eyes open, a haunted look glooming in them.

My mind begins turning as I pull myself out of bed. A glass of water sits at my bedside table. I chug it down before standing, swaying for a minute. Katie says, "Annabeth you know how dangerous it is when you have Tetiein your system still." Tetie, the type of poison they gave me. Paralyzes in pain and disarms opponent long enough to get them to a private, guarded area. One of my friends died from it.

I shudder at the memory, shaking it off. "I know," Is all I say. Walking over to my closet, I pull back multiple layers of gowns until I reach my concealed suit, weapons hanging from the back wall of the massive wardrobe. Like Narnia. I mull over what Piper told me. "How long have I been out?"

"An hour."

An hour would give the rebel enough time to get Percy out of the palace. But that would mean taking a safer exit than the front doors, something more discrete. Not too obvious like Royal's tunnels for escape if the palace was seized or something. I zip up the suit, creating a plan in my head. If I'm going to get to him, I need to work fast. "And Piper what direction did you last see Percy being taken in?"

"Farthest side of the palace, Northside." Wise Girl is coming Seaweed Brain.

Before she could get out the last word, I was out the door. I use little bursts of my powers to push my legs and body forward, opening doors ahead of time so they do not slow me down. I pump my arms, my hand slightly grazing the cold, metal handle of one of my knives. I would rather not kill tonight, but I have to do whatever it takes to save the Crown Prince. With him on my mind being dragged out of sight, my mission hanging in balance, and my future, I forget my queasy stomach, banish doubts from my head and clear my starry eyesight. I'm coming, I mentally say, wishing he could hear me.

Please hurry.


I'm sorry what? And how do you know it's me? Did he just respond to me? No, no that is utterly ridiculous. Says the girl with the mind powers, a tiny voice says in the back of my mind. Yeah, yeah alright. STILL THOUGH. Have someone respond to you in your mind and see how you react!

I'll explain if you get me out of this.

Deal. Can you give me anything about your location?

They don't know I'm awake. From what I can see it looks like I'm in this narrow tunnel?

That doesn't give me much, but it's better than nothing. How many rebels are around you?

Five? Maybe four. I can't see very well in this angle.

Okay, any other things I should know?

I'm craving blue cookies.

I almost trip. Alright, maybe let's just be silent for a while. I need to formulate a plan.

Okay. But...the blue cookies.

I'm not bringing them for you, I'm here to make sure you don't get kidnapped or killed Prince!

You know you sound a lot like this girl I really like. Her name is Annabeth, she's awesome. I wouldn't be surprised if she were you, but you said your name is Cassie. Though you could be faking it and maybe it is my Wise Girl, but I'll trust her to tell me when she – or should I say you – are ready.

I run into a wall. Cursing, I search through my mind on the secretive tunnels and take the Northern one. What?

I sense humor. Yeah, I was just pulling your leg. 

I almost cry of relief. Good, don't want to be like that girl. If I insult myself, it adds to the wall I've built up around myself about me being a spy.

I'm done talking to you.

I feel a disconnect. Shrugging, I focus on the task at hand. Percy must be a good ten minutes into the tunnel. Which means I need to work fast. Feeling my power around me, I pull at the strings. I shoot forward, the force of gravity pressing into my back like a wall shooting me down the tunnel like a bullet. Squinting, I make out small lights. Idiots. My run breaks into a sprint. I savor the freedom, the running, my identity being a secret, it all.

The idiots don't realize I am upon them until I have two taken out. Percy was right there is five, which means I have three left. Two holding Percy back and one leading the way with a lit torch. They stop and look behind them to see me smiling at them. "Hey boys," I purr.

"What – " Kick to the temple.

"Wait – " Swipe under the legs. Punch in the gut then side of the head.

The last guy, the leader, sets down his torch. His eyes, daunting, glint in the dim light. He cracks his knuckles, "You are not leaving this tunnel little girl."

I smirk, swiping Percy with one arm behind me, "And so aren't you."

He just laughs before attacking. Percy shouts behind me but I already am bringing up my forearm in defense. My leg goes up to his right side by he catches it. The rebel twists my ankle and I am spun into the air, crashing hard onto the stone floor. "Percy," I grunt, pushing upward. I sense the guy's movement behind me. My arm and leg come up, hitting him before he can blink. I hear a thud. "Run."

"But – "

"I said run," My eyes do not back down, daring him to speak, staring into his directly.

"I am not leaving you," He argues back anyway.

"Why?" I demand.

His eyes speak nothing but the truth, and I can't conceal my shock when he blurts out, "Because I know who you are!"

I hear the guys stirring behind me. I need to get him out so I can dispatch these guys. "And who am I?" I snap back, hoping it'll be enough bitterness he won't feel bad leaving me here.

"Annabeth," He whispers. My lungs contract. He speaks again, "Wise Girl." 

I'm just as shook as you guys right now! Percy has telepathy with Annabeth?! Also, do you think he's pulling her leg again or he actually knows Cassie is Annabeth? 

Have an amazing night/day wherever you are! - The Fangirl

Disclaimer: I do not PJO or HoO. I do not own these characters. I do not own The Selection Series.

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