I Am Worthy

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Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash 

My arms shake from the strain. I hear Thalia escorting the Royals out. Tears brim my eyes, but I focus on my breathing, not allowing them to fall. I hear Thalia shout, "Drop them, let's go!"

I look at them all in the air, struggling to get out of my forcing grip and this is when I notice something off. I feel bare almost. That is when I see my mask on the floor. It must have fallen off in the fight. Percy would not have seen due to me facing the other way thankfully. Also cause I refused to look at him when Thalia took them out. The reminder of him not disagreeing with the rebel man or Adam brings an ache in my chest. I glance at the rebel general and he watches me with a knowing grin. I drop them all and begin stumbling away. Bending down, I grab my mask and strap it on as I flee out the door. I just showed the rebels my face. They know who I am. Which means Lady Annabeth now isn't safe.

The edges of my vision begin blacking out, but I force myself to run. Thalia and I guard the carriage from the back, jogging after it as the horses' gallop. Whipping my head back, I see no one coming after us. But that does nothing to ease my racing heart and fear tightening my chest.



The next day comes too fast. I repeat my morning routine in robotic motions, my thoughts only tracing back to last night. The words that were said, the mask falling off and exposing my face and the tense expression I wore facing them when I ducked out for the night back at the palace. The knowledge that I have to face them both today knowing the rebel scum is aware of me now and my identity, and knowing Percy is just like his father when it comes to defending people that need it most and on controversial topics such as if a girl were to be a spy.

Katie doesn't say anything as she preps the dress I am to wear for an afternoon in the Women's Room with the Queen. Since the Elite as started, appearances are looked at and critique more, tension has risen, and we are to begin preparing to learn how to handle being the next Queen.

Leaning forward into the mirror to apply light mascara, I listen to Clove and Andy clean the room up after I tossed off all my gear and leaped into bed last night. I know Thalia caught them up on everything, yet they haven't spoken a word, knowing I'm not ready to speak yet. Which explains why Piper hasn't kicked down my door yet. I pull my hair into a loose and high bun, pulling strands of hair to frame my face and give a natural, relaxed look.

Glancing at the tiny clock perched on my dresser, I speed up my pace. I am ten minutes late to the first breakfast as an Elite lady. But it's not my biggest concern at the moment, I have plenty of reason to take my time. Tucking a knife into a strap around my thigh, I inhale deeply. Now that the rebels are aware of my identity means I have to be as cautious as if I was walking around in my suit. The mission must go on. Despite everything, I will finish this mission and finally get out of here. The thought alone drives me to hesitate before feeling a wave of motivation. The hesitation comes from the thought of Percy, but I shove it aside.

My feet slip into flats and I breeze down the empty and silent hallway. A soft melody of the wind weaves through my hair and the open windows. Easy smile blossoms on my face and I consider past events. This is when I should be hitting my low, but this is actually when I am realizing my worth and the impact, I have on not only my own life but others with this situation and mission. We are grown to believe that others deem our worth, but that is far from the truth. We are not to allow other's opinions, who don't know us inside and out, to degrade us or turn us against ourselves. At that moment when I had to defend myself, I came to the question of why is it important to me that I must prove to them my value, my worth, prove myself? It makes no sense.

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now