Epilogue: The Girl Who Could

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Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash 

I was the girl who could jump from exploding buildings while solving a case. 

I was the girl who could fall in love but not lose myself or my ambitions in the process. 

I was the girl who could compete with other girls but not tear them down. 

I was the girl who could stand up to the King. 

I was the girl who took down Cruz. 

I was the girl. 

I am still that girl. 

I am now married. The wedding was breathtaking. And just like Percy said, we wedded three years later. Flowers of all colours dotted the room while I wore my favourite type of simple, elegant dress, it being the dove kind of white. We danced till the stars came out. And ended the night wrapped in each other's arms on the front lawn of the palace, just watching the sky. 

And years later I have two beautiful children. Two girls and one boy now on the way. Each time I told Percy I was pregnant, he never slowed down his excitement, smiling bigger every day. 

I remember promising myself when the crown was placed on my head during coronation, Queen Sally and her new partner, Paul, beaming down at me, my friends and love radiating proudness; that:  

My kids will be raised in a world where girls do not tear each other down. 

Where girls are not overlooked. 

Where boys are free to express emotions too. 

Where people of all shades of skin are equal, are more than accepted in a once discriminating world. 

They will grow up in a world full of Cruzes and Kings, but they will learn to handle it. 

They will learn to rise above their challenges. 

And as for me? 


Dalia, my recent baby girl, squeals from on my back–strapped in tightly and comfortably. I run with her down the hall of an ancient temple. We skid to a stop and all I can hear is my breathing. 

I hear one footstep and whip around to see a man. He shouts but I'm already knocking him out. I tap my earpiece, slumping him against a wall, "Got Harpur, in the west section of Temple Olympus." 

Katie is quick to respond, "Gotchu." 

"When are we leaving for our camping trip, mama," Dalia squeaks, giggling as we skip down the hall. 

"Tomorrow, did you pack your colouring book?" 

"Yeah, and my toy cars!" 

I smile. "Good. Now let's go home, you know how Daddy gets when we're out too long, especially when I have you for company." 

I scale the temple, Dalia content on watching the view. The crumbling temple stands strong as we reach the top. The wind blows into our faces and we look out at our kingdom in awe. I give Dalia's hand a gentle squeeze, inhaling a breath of fresh air. 



I am the woman who took down Cruz and many others after that. 

I am a woman who birthed beautiful children and still is a spy. 

I am the woman who married the love of her life, Percy–Seaweed Brain–Jackson. 

I am a woman who is not afraid to show the world who I am. 

Where I come from. 

My experiences. 

My scars. 

I am Annabeth Chase. 

And I am happy and have found my purpose. 

I hope you enjoyed my story, to let it inspire yours to bloom. Because who you are and your story is beautiful. 

HEYOOOO!! This is the end! Wow is all I can say. I had so much fun writing this adventure and experiencing it with you all! 

I would like to thank all of you who have supported me and made my day with your comments, reads, and votes. 

As for those of you who are reading this when I just updated, yes, I wanted to update the entire end - from Uncertainty to now - for you to read in one go. I felt you deserved it and was a more enjoyable read. 

Also, I am an aspiring author and would am aiming to be published one day. Soooo, if you want to follow me on my author instagram its: authorlauren.redwood 


Many of you have told me I should try to get this story published, and while it is not possible to get this *exact* story published...I have an idea. I will need to take out the Selection and Percy Jackson influence and character names, but the plot will be very similar. I will be taking this story into revision on a seperate document (you won't lose this story) and I am going to create it into a novel that *can* be published. 

I will update on it when I can, and one day, maybe it'll become something physical. <3 All of your support is very much appreciated. 

Thank you again, peace out :) 

One last time: 

I hope you all have a great day/night wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

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