The Elite

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Photo by Diogo Nunes on Unsplash 

You will not be the future queen of this country.

He will eliminate you.

Mark my words.

I awake shivering. The elimination of Evie came as a shock to us all, but quite frankly it was not her departure that has been stuck in my head. It's the knowledge that any of us can go home, and now I have the King doing everything he can, so I don't stay in the palace as a selection girl anymore and just as the spy. I feel trapped. I have thought long and hard on how to fix my situation, how to have both worlds but it feels impossible.

The room begins to feel suffocating and hot. Slipping out of bed, I walk to the balcony and open the double doors fully. A crispy, night breeze blows in and I inhale the fresh air with closed eyes. I have been known all my life for my stubbornness or my brain, but I will never forget what all my fellow spies back at base deemed me as. They called me an ungiving up warrior, saying that of all the spies I have always been the one to stop last, to finish first or last – doesn't matter, because I never would give up. And I will not give up on this. I will not give up on Percy, or this mission. I will not give up on fighting this King who thinks he owns me; I will not give up fighting for Percy. And I will not fail on protecting him and all the people in this palace or the kingdom.

I exchange one last look at the moon before running smoothly back into my room. Percy has one day left until he is expected to choose who to send home. I wonder what he is trying to decide. However, as the Royals are concerned with their precious selection, I am worried about the timing of this all. Jason and I were reading up the reports from our undercover spies and it look like this upcoming day is the best chance we have since a good amount of the rebels are moving to a new camp.

Feeling aggravation building up, I slip on a shirt and pants that I took with me from the base. I then run to the couch where Thalia sleeps and tap her shoulder repeatedly. She groans, "Whaaaa?"

"I'm not waiting for the stupid elimination of girls; we need to breach this rebel base now."

She looks at me, squinting, with one eye shut. "Why at four in the morning?"

"Because we are rapidly running out of time," I explain frantically.

She holds up her hands, "Okay, okay, calm down. How are we addressing the Royals with this?"

I quirk an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

She sighs, "Percy will be there for the decision, so will you be wearing your normal Cassie outfit or me?"

"Well, Lady Annabeth won't be there, she'll be sick in bed," I say.

Thalia sits up, "Awesome, I can finally wear my own suit."


The duration of us getting ready is not how I normally prepare in the mornings. Instead of checking if I have mascara on the bathroom counter, I am checking if I have all my knives. Instead of slipping on a gown, I am slipping on a deathly spy suit and mask. Instead of putting my feet in comfortable flats, I grunt trying to shove them into combat boots.

I leave a note for Katie to say I am sick on my pillow before following Thalia out the door. I adjust my mask slightly as we run to the Royal's report room. Jason, Leo and the twins are already there. Leo whistles as we come in and we both shoot him our death glares. He snickers before saying, "I notified the King and he should be headed down shortly."

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now