Mark My Words

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Photo by Celia Michon on Unsplash 

I walk through the halls on Friday morning. We gave the letter for official permission to the King about our plan last night. He disagreed with it to an extent. Queen Sally later explained why, saying he didn't want to put any more lives in danger at the evening ball. Instead, he proposed we all take this to the place of the source. Originally, we were going to use the ball as a way to draw in the rebels while us spies go to their closest base which we finally found the location to. Our smart, smart King wants us to hold the distraction and bait not at the, he wants to take all of us to meet these rebels. Which is incredibly stupid if you ask me. We will have maximum security, and us spies have to figure out a way to sneak out of that room and search their base.

When we all got back to my room, Jason proposed we don't sneak out of the room. Besides, we do need some of us in the room. So, we devised a plan with all the information we had. Jason, Leo, Thalia and I are to not go in with the royals but get off the carriage before they even reach the base. Then we'll make it there on foot and sneak in the way we have been planning. The Stoll twins will be among the guards in the room with the royals to ensure they are protected, even though there will be many other guards there as well.

The King then threw us one last curve ball...he wants Percy to come. Not to mention, we are not allowed to go do this until Percy narrows us down to the Elite. King Poseidon has told me he does not care if I am eliminated, I no longer require staying in anymore, just as long as I am in the palace. He does not like me getting closer to Percy. Which means this next elimination, I will truly find out if Percy wants to keep me even under the persuasion of his father that I should go home and am not very fit to run a country. In Percy's eyes, I am just a girl in the selection. What he doesn't know is if he "sends me home", I am not going home yet.

Which brings me to current time, where I make my way to the Report room where Percy is going to do an elimination in front of the entire country. As if this couldn't get any more stressful.

I fiddle with my dress, the red dress bringing out a fire in me. I walk into the room, which leads to the balcony in which Percy will make the decision in front of reporters, and a crowd. The girls all chatter excitedly, and some you can tell are very nervous. I hear a gagging sound and look to my left to see a girl throwing up in the corner, her hands shaking. Piper comes up to me, "Did you hear how many girls he is eliminating today?!"

I wretch my attention from the vomiting girl to Piper, "What?"

Piper licks her lips, glancing around, "Everyone is freaking out because not only are all of their families watching this on national television, but also we have a massive crowd outside and most of us are going home! Apparently, he's been pressured to narrow us down closer to the Elite."

"Not to the Elite?" I question.

She shakes her head, "No, it's been rumored he has a hard decision to make and needs a couple more days until he can go all the way to the Elite." I nod slowly, knowing this means I'll be breaking into a dangerous rebel base in under a week. Exciting.

" many girls is he eliminating?"

"Ten...TEN OF US," She half screeches, drawing attention from those around us.

I hush her, "Calm down Pipes, it's going to be okay."

She looks at me, "That red dress makes you look stunning."

I am taken back by the sudden change in subject and compliment, "Thank you."

Paris comes up to us, "I've already started preparing for the princess classes! I just cannot wait for Prince Percy is get rid of most of these buffoons already."

"Princess classes?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"Buffoons?" Piper asks.

Paris explains, "I love everyone here, but I am ready for more time with him and all of these girls are preventing that from happening. Also, yes, once everyone is narrowed down to ten, we start classes on learning to run a country. Which means history of our country, etiquette classes, princess duty lessons, and skills to handle many pressuring situations."

Before I can respond, a voice calls out, "Ladies, get into your places on the balcony, Anne will show you where to go!" The patter and clicking of heels begin as we all merge to the balcony.

Percy stands at ready, looking away from us all out across the landscape. The crowd cheers when we come out. I scan my surroundings, knowing this is an event rebels wouldn't be opposed to crashing. But right now, my duty is blending in, and that is exactly what I plan on doing. I console some girls and make sure I am in place correctly. We all stand there holding hands, just waiting for Percy to turn around.

He turns, holding his own hands tightly. "Welcome girls, I hope you all had a wonderful sleep. I am terribly sorry for the amount of you I have to let go has to be done." He glances at his father briefly. "When I call your name, please exit straight away. I will see you all off personally afterward." Hmmmm, this is different. Instead the girls must leave and not wait until everyone is called. I ready myself. The girls grasp my hands tighter. Percy takes a breath, "The following girls going home are Kenzie, Evie, Emma, Gloria, Danelle, Karissa, Addison, Kristen, Gabi and Sasha."

Gasps and murmurs occur after each name. I look around and see girls hugging goodbye and leaving. I hug a crying Evie and watch her disappear through the doorway. And we are left with 12 of us, which means two more are going home in a matter of days. Then it'll be the Elite.

The rest of us are to follow them out. I meet Percy's eye and see the relief in them once the ceremony is over. This all must be a lot of pressure for him. Upon going inside, Anne greets us and says, "Girls, get ready because today you are all going on a group date with Prince Percy. Make this time with him count, the next elimination before the Elite is in two days."

"Please tell me you have another dress to wear other than that same plain day dress you always have on," Piper mutters to me as we make our way out.

Snorting I say, "I have a baby blue day dress?"

Her eyes light up, "Perfect!"

As we walk, I look to her and ask, "What happens other than princess classes once we get to the Elite? Like is this when serious conversations come and all?"

Piper shrugs, "Well, yeah, I mean this is when the Prince begins really narrowing us down to find his wife and future Queen. It's a big process. The stage of the Elite occurs for a longer time than this past month will. We have now gotten rid of all the girls that we haven't really felt much with and are now with our true competition. Plus, it all depends on you and your relationship with him."

I nod, "I guess yeah."

King Poseidon comes up to me and Piper. She curtseys and bows away. I look at him. He lowers his voice to a grumble, "You will not be the future Queen of this country, despite how my son adores you. I will make sure he eliminates you before the Elite. Mark my words." 


Will the King tear the two apart or will Percy keep his faith in his lying spy Wise Girl? 

Theatre competition went amazing! We got a standing ovation, and it was just thrilling to perform

Have an amazing day/night wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

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