Troublesome Prince

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Slowing down, Elise leads us into a clearing. A grassy field turns into different leveled rocks, into the water. Then leading down the left side, is a slight hill where a sandy beach lay. Blankets and wine glasses with lunch are waiting. The beach stretches far around a bend. 

"Wow," I say.

Elise nods, trotting to another stable, "I know. That was my reaction when Mother took me down here for the first time."

I hand the reins over to a stableman, hopping off of Athena. "Can I ask you something?" I turn to Elise who walks over.

"Of course."

"Why did you take me down that path?" I fiddle with my hands, watching them take Athena to a stall.

My eyes focus back on Elise, who smiles slightly, "Because you are full of adventure."

She begins walking, and I jog forward to follow. We stop at the rock's edge, the water slipping in and out below. "Adventure?" I question her.

Her quirks an eyebrow. "My mother, aside from Percy, is close to me. She tells me everything." My mouth parts and she continue, "So, of course, I knew your real reason of being here. You're the first girl who's come in here and not only turned Percy's head, but you aren't afraid of what others might think, and you can kick some butt!"

"I, um," I stammer.

Elise smiles, looking out, "I really like you Annabeth."

Finally gaining the ability to talk again, I smirk, "I feel like this isn't going to be the only time you drag me into your own trouble."

Elise laughs, "That, you are correct. I've got many plans to save you from needlepoint. But I also want you to help me." She turns to face me, a serious expression on her face. "I need to learn to fight, I want to be able to defend myself."

"Why? You have all the guards in the world to do that!"

Her face darkens, and memory flashes across her eyes, "Even a princess needs to be able to fight."

I contemplate it in my head. It would take some time away from the mission, but that would only mean cutting time short with the other ladies. It can't hurt, right? I take the jump. "Okay, I'll do it." She beams, hugging me, but I'm not done. "However, under one condition."

"Yes, whatever, it is," Elise nods, straightening out her dress.

"That you do exactly as I say."

"I will."



The ladies arrive, and Elise and I busy ourselves with our horses, acting like we just got here. Anne gives me a pointed look before attending to her own stead. Breathing out, I exit the stables. The ground rumbles under my feet and I look to the forest. The men burst out of the trees, smiles wide on their handsome faces. The girls behind me whisper frantically that they're here.

"Annabeth," Piper drawls, gripping my elbow. She smiles sweetly at the passing men as I glare at them. She leads me to the side, "I saw you take that path!" Her not mentioning Elise meant she didn't see her in front of me, thank goodness.

"You know I love riding!" I argue.

Piper sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Okay, but I'm not letting you out of my sight when we have to ride back." I give her a look before the others join us.

"Oh, how lovely it is outside!" Paris gushes, her gaze flickering to the men every so often.

"Perfect day for a swim." Piper smiles. 

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now