Sunny Picnic

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The morning light shines through my eyelids and I groan. Breathing in for two seconds, I shove the covers off of me, keeping my tired eyes closed. 

I made sure to set everything up that I needed for my first day on the case last night, leading to me staying up later than I intended to. 

Opening my eyes, Katie, Clove, and Andy are preparing for the day. Clove organizes my cluttered papers and notes, adding the additional information on the mission Thalia sent to me last night, in which I still need to read. Katie and Andy prepare my day dress and vanity.

Andy looks over to me, "Ready to get the day started, Miss?" I quirk an eyebrow and she clears her throat, red forming on her delicate cheeks, "I mean, Annabeth?"

"Much better, thank you, Andy. And do I have a choice?"

They all laugh and that's enough for me to haul myself out of bed. I turn around and begin making it, but Clove runs over, "No, no, you need to begin getting ready!"

I wave my hand at her, "Don't be silly, it takes me five minutes!"

Clove looks over at Katie and she chuckles, "It's true. The sooner you learn to just aid where she needs it – aka the mission and escaping girl drama – the better it'll be."

Clove smiles slightly and laughs, "Alright, make your bed and don't form any wrinkles!"

When I finish making my bed, I then head over to the vanity and Clove begins to set my hair. The day ahead feels foreign to me, almost. This new life, only temporary of course, feels like a warped dream in a children's book. I fidget, some anxiety rising in me. 

I don't realize Clove was speaking to me until she taps my shoulder. She repeats, "What would you like to do with it today?" 


"Your hair." 

"Right. Maybe just leave it as it is? But is there a way to make it stay this way and not frizzy by the end of the day?" I ask, twiddling a bobby pin in my fingers.

Clove brightens, "Yes." She grabs a weird looking bottle and sprays it over my hair. The soft smell is not overwhelming like the perfumes I usually experience. "Perfect," she says satisfied.

Standing, I slip off my nightgown and Katie and Andy pulls the day dress onto me. The white linings and soft yellow flower patterns trailing down from the waist creates a beautiful sunny morning look. The dress fits perfectly around my waist and I find joy in swishing the flowing bottom around my bare legs. The dress goes to just below my knees.

"You look amazing in that Annabeth," a voice comments and I yelp. Looking to the door, I see Piper burst into laughter. "I didn't mean to scare you. Your face looked as if someone took your cheese slice at a picnic." 

"And good morning to you too," I roll my eyes, smiling. "Is it time to go now?"

"Yeah, we'll be late if we don't leave now," she says, hurriedly now. "But I see you don't have makeup on yet."

"I'll put a little on tonight for the ball," I shrug, slipping on bright yellow flats.

Piper laughs outright, "Alright." 

Waving to Clove, Andy, and Katie, I allow Piper to lead me out the door. "Have you met the girls? I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to them yet." 

She nods. "I was waiting in the gardens with them this morning before I came up here to get you."

I remark, smirking, "You make it seem like it was a hassle to come get me."

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now