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"We got a new greenie coming up!" You heard your boyfriend, Newt, call out as the alarm went off.

Everyone gathered around the box, you, Newt, Alby, and Gally up at the front of the box, waiting for the box to come up to the top.

"What do you think he's gonna look like?" Newt asked.

"Don't know, maybe we'll get another blonde up here." You joked.

"Haha very funny." He said as the doors to the box opened.

Gally lowered a rope for the boy, who hesitently stepped into it. Alby, Newt, Gally, and you helped pull the boy up, and Alby looked at him once he was up and out of the box.

"Nice to meet ya, shank," Alby said. "Welcome to the Glade."

Something about this boy seemed familier to you, but you didn't know what it was. You decided to ignore it for now, you would try to figure this out later.

Everyone was laughing and pointing at the new Greenie, and you almost felt bad for him. His confused face as he looked around where he was, you definitely knew that you know him from somewhere.

"Alright, get back to work!" You called out to all of the Gladers standing there, and they did just that. Now it was Newt, Alby, and you with the new Greenie.

"Do you remember anything?" You asked him.

"Thomas. My name is Thomas. Why can't I remember anything else?" The boy, whos name was apparently Thomas, asked.

"Well Thomas, all the past Greenies have came up that way, we don't know why though." You replied, and Newt sent you a look that said "don't tell him too much just yet."

"Calm down Newt, that's all he's getting from me. Alby wants to tell him something then he can." You said to your boyfriend, moving closer to him.

"You guys wanna go get Chuck? Let that shank show him around where we eat and sleep." Alby said.

"Good that. We'll be back." Newt said, taking your hand and turning around, starting to look for Chuck.

"What do you think of the new Greenie?" Newt asked you.

"He seems okay, let's just hope he's not a slinthead. I feel like I know him from somewhere though." You admitted.

"Really? Maybe you should talk to him later?" Newt suggested.

"I think I will." You said. "There's Chuck."

"Chuck, come here!" Newt called out, catching the younger boy's attention.

Chuck listened to Newt and made his way over to us.

"Alby wants you. New Greenie needs to know where to eat and sleep." Newt said.

"Okay. Where are they?" Chuck asked.

"Over somewhere near the box." You replied.

"Okay, bye." Chuck said, starting to make his way over to Alby and Thomas.

"So what do you want to do now?" Newt asked.

"I don't know, wanna just walk?" You asked.

"Sure." Newt said, wrapping his arm around your waist and bringing you closer to him. You both stayed quiet for a little bit, just enjoying each others presence. After a little bit, you started to get hungry.

"Can we go get some food?" You asked.

"Of course, love." Newt said, smiling at you. Your cheeks flushed a bright red, something that always happened when Newt called you love. "I say that to you almost every day and I get the same reaction from you every time." Newt said, laughing a little.

"Yeah well..." You said, smiling a little bit. You got some food from Frypan and sat down. You saw Chuck and Thomas getting their food and they sat down across from you and Newt.

"So what are your names again?" Thomas asked.

"I'm Newt and this is Y/N." Newt said.

"Wait why is she the only girl here?" Thomas asked.

"We don't know." I replied.

"Who put us here? Why would they do this to us?" Thomas questioned.

"Why are you so curious? I can't reply to anymore of your questions after this one until Alby gives me permission. We don't know." Newt said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh." Was all Thomas said as he ate the rest of his food. "Could I talk to you alone Y/N?" Thomas asked as soon as he finished.

"Yeah sure." You replied as you got up. You kissed Newt's cheek, whispering in his ear,"Be right back."

"So what do you want to talk about?" You asked him.

"I-I think I know you." He said. "Like we're related or something. I've definitely seen you before."

"I don't really know what to say." You admitted. "I feel like I know you too but it just seems really complicated."

"Yeah." Thomas said.

"Well I better get back to Newt." You said, turning around. "And Chuck is showing you where you sleep?"

"Yeah, and are you and Newt, you know, a thing?" Thomas asked.

"We are." You said, smiling at the thought.

"Well if we are related then my brother instinct tells me he is good for you." Thomas said, smiling.

"Thanks." You said, hugging him. "And I have a feeling we are, by the way, or else we wouldn't have these thoughts."

"True. Well good night Y/N." Thomas said as Chuck met up with him.

"Night Thomas." You said, waving at him before running off to where Newt was waiting for you.

"So what happened?" Newt asked.

"We're pretty sure we're related, he also said that his brother instinct told him that you are good for me." You said, kissing his cheek again.

"Really now, well that's good to hear." Newt said, leaning down and kissing you. "Because I know that you're the one for me."

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