You're The New Greenie

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The grinding of metal on metal tears at your ears. You sit up groaning. You blink several times your eyes adjusting to the darkness.

Running your hand on the cold metal floor you feel the motion of going upward...but to where? Suddenly a wave of panic washes over.

Why can't you remember anything?!

Where were you?!

What happened!?

Why can't you remember what happened!

The jolt of the elevator stopping sends you out of your thoughts and flying across the floor.

A sliver of light starts to shine above your head. It grows larger and wider.

You crawl back on one hand, using the other to shield your eyes from the blinding light. They adjusted.

As you look up a figure jumps into the box landing with a thud of their boots.
"Woah, another girl. Aren't we lucky." The boy observes.
"Well bring her up shuck face. We all want to see." Another boy from above yells.

The one in the box with you has dirty blondish hair and is light skinned. He offers you a hand.

You hesitate at first.

"Come on I don't bite." He scoffs cockily. And in that moment you instantly start to dislike him. You stand up on your own.

Stumbling at first, you gain your bearings. His eyes train on you the whole time. You step on one of the crates that arrived with you in the box.

You place your hands on the edge pulling yourself up. You struggle at first but manage to stand on solid ground dusting your pants off.

"Name's Alby." You look up and see a kid with a hand extended. You glance at him then at all the other boys surrounding you, staring . He looks like he's the oldest. Maybe the leader?

"It's ok. I'm not mean here like ol' Gally."he glances back to the boy from the box. You smile and shake his hand liking him already.

"What's your name?" Your mouth automaticity opens to answer but nothing comes out.

"I-I um think is (y/n)." You look down trying to hide the shame of not knowing your own name.
"It's ok (y/n)." Alby places a hand on your shoulder. "Welcome to the glade."

You peek over his shoulder trying to look at what he calls 'The Glade'.

"What's-" He puts a hand up cutting you off. You raise your eyebrows, appalled a little.

"I'd love to answer Greenie, but I got things to do so Newt here will show you around." He waves over a boy with blonde hair. He comes jogging up.

"This is Newt, he's second in command. When I'm not around he takes charge. He'll show you around, answer most questions you have."

"W-welcome greenie" he stutters as if nervous.

He swallows hard when he first lays his eyes on you. Ably walks away leaving you with Newt.You look at him.

Your breath hitches.

He has the gentlest eyes with the cutest messiest blonde hair ever.

"My names (y/n). Not greenie or green bean or whatever that means." you snap, coming out of your daze and crossing your arms.

"So, stop calling me that." You start to walk away.

"Oh, hey wait up." He runs to catch up. "Sorry, but that's what we call the new guys or girls! Cause you know you're a girl." He quickly corrects himself.
"And plus you're kinda cute and small, like a green bean." You both stop as his words leave his lips.

You turn around facing him.

His eyes widen and face flushes red as he realises what he just said. You raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm small and cute?" You smirk.

"No! I mean yeah, but no!" He laughs, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

You smile and continue walking. He follows like a puppy at your heels.

"What is this place?" You ask him.

"We call this the glade but outside those walls is a whole other world." You stop at one of the openings.

A whole other world? Curiosity takes over. You start to take a step forward beyond the walls.

"Woah! You can't go in there." Newt grabs your hand, pulling you back but making sure he doesn't pull to hard.

You look back at him.

"I just wanna take a peak." You turn, ready to try again.

But he still tugs you back.

"No, trust me love you don't want to see what's out there. It's too ugly for your pretty eyes." You blush slightly at his words. You look down at your hands.

He's still holding onto it. He looks down too. He drops it quickly.

"Uh so you wanna grab some food? It's dinner time." he tries to cover up. you nod smiling.

"Dinner sounds great. I'm starving." He smiles back.

Once you get to the perimeter of the kitchen Newt runs ahead of you.

When you're a few steps away from the door he holds it open for you. You walk in brushing his shoulder purposely. He puts a hand on your back guiding you to the line.

"The food isn't really that good but shuck it, it's all we have." Newt chuckles in your ear so the chef won't hear.

Goose bumps prickle your skin as his hot breath make contact with your skin. You laugh lightly grabbing your tray.

"Don't worry about that love. I got it."
He scoops the tray from your hands carrying it for you.

He leads the way to a table. You both settle down and try to enjoy the food.

Maybe life here won't be too hard.

Maybe with Newt you'll be more than fine.

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