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Disclaimer: Not mine. It's @elleuhrveeem imagine from tumblr


"Someone get (Y/N)!" Minho yelled as he utilized the last bits of his energy to run through the maze doors. He held on to Newt, whose shirt was splattered with blood.

His arm was around Newt's torso while Newt's arm was draped over Minho's shoulder. Newt's legs could barely support his weight and his face expressed grotesque pain.

The Gladers panicked at the sight of Minho and Newt. Ben immediately ran to them and wrapped Newt's other arm around his neck as they hurried to get to the med-jacks' hut.

You sat beside the bed you had just made and fiddled with your supplies which was packed away neatly.

You had exquisite knowledge in treating injuries when you arrived and needless to say, you were the best med-jack. No one else had a gentler touch or a keener eye. You adjusted the bandages and tools, straightening them and meticulously placing them parallel to each other.
All of a sudden, the door of the hut burst open, making you flinch.

"(Y/N), help us. Newt's injured," Ben panicked as he panted. You stood up and careened to the door.

You gasped at the sight of Newt's bloody shirt and weakened stature as Ben and Minho were the only things holding him upright. His face told you about the pain that was crushing his nerves and you knew you had to do something quick.

"Get him on the bed," you instructed. Minho and Ben groaned as they hauled Newt over to the bed.

You scrambled and rummaged about the shelves stocked with supplies. "Lay him down gently," you reminded. Ben took Newt's arm off from around his shoulder and assisted Minho in laying Newt down.

Your eyebrows knitted in worry as Newt groaned in pain. With your supplies in your hand, you rushed to Newt's side and pulled on an old crate for you to sit on.

"Ben, Minho," you turned to them. "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave for a while."
They exited the hut hesitantly. As soon as they had left, you turned to face Newt.

"Newt," you gently said, his agonized face wrenching your heart. "I'm going to have to remove your shirt, alright?" you move closer to him and quietly instructed for him to sit up.

He did his best to hold in a groan and it was evident that he was trying to keep his composure.
He bit down on his lower lip as you slowly lifted his shirt and tossed it to the side.

He lay back down and placed a hand over his lower abdomen. Your heart broke as you examined his toned chest. Gashes, deep ones, ran up to as long as the length of your hand across his chest, surrounded by smaller ones.

The blood did not faze you but it was his condition that did. There were numerous smaller cuts and gashes around his ribcage and you knew that this was going to take a long time to heal.

"Newt, this might sting a little," you warned as you dipped a towel into a bowl of water which you had diluted a disinfectant in. "Scream out if you have to, okay?"

Biting your lip, you wrung the cloth and ran your fingers over the skin that had been left unharmed. He flinched slightly and shut his eyes as he anticipated what was to come next. You pressed the towel lightly to the edge of the deepest cut.

He hissed in pain and shut his eyes tighter. "I'm sorry, Newt," you apologized as you cleaned the blood off of his skin. You'd have to do this fast.

"Just a little more, okay? I'm almost done," you comforted. You noticed his muscles relax and breathing return to normal as the tension in his chest began to fade. You rinsed the towel and felt Newt shift on the bed. To your surprise, he sat even more upright.

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