Thomas and Teresa

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A/N: I know this isn't a Newt imagine, but this made me cry and I really liked it! So please enjoy!


A splintering, shattering noise split the air so loudly that Thomas looked back.

His eyes drifted upward, where a massive section of the ceiling had torn loose.

He watched, hypnotized, as it fell toward him. Teresa appeared in the corner of his vision, her image barely discernible through the clogged air.

Her body slammed into his, and she somehow managed to hug him in the motion, so they both fell into the maintenance room just as the section of the ceiling fell to where he was standing a nanosecond ago.

She landed on top of his body,knocking the breath out of him.
Her silky black hair fell onto his face, tickling him. Their noses were touching; just barely, but they did.

She was breathing heavily and he felt her hot breath all over his face. Their gazes were locked, and she was staring at him with those huge, blue eyes.

He sometimes found himself thinking that those eyes contained all the wisdom and the beauty of this universe.

They were so blue.

Finally, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and opened his mouth to say something.
No sound left his throat, though.

He coughed. "Thanks... Thanks for saving my life," he said at last, feeling somehow obliged to say that. But in that moment, hearing those words hanging in the air, looking at every detail of her face, he realized what just happened, and what terrible things could've happened.

What if she didn't push him? He would surely be dead. What if she did push him, but she wouldn't be able to hug him? She would surely be dead.

And a little part of him realized that the latter would be worse. That living without her would be unbearable. Knowing she sacrificed her life for his sake. He knew he would owe her forever.

He heard Minho yelling at Thomas, but he didn't care. All he could care about was her, and this moment, and its beauty and purity.

"Don't mention it," she answered him politely, still laying on top of him and finding her breath.

Then suddenly, it hit him. He remembered.

The Scorch Trials.

Teresa kissing Aris.

Teresa Agnes, the Betrayer.

Immediately he pushed her off him and stood up, making his way to the room with the Flat Trans.

Everyone had already gone through the Flat Trans, and the only people in the room were Brenda and Minho.

Brenda was looking at them with her eyes wide, still looking shaken from Thomas's possible death.

Minho was facing the Trans. "C'mon, shuck-faces, we gotta go!" he shouted through the sounds of the explosions.

The building was collapsing extremely quickly now, falling pieces of the walls and explosions everywhere.

Teresa stepped in front of the Trans. In the last moment, she shot a quick glance at Thomas, as if making sure he was there, he was alive, making sure she actually saved him.

He looked away from her, not wanting to look at her, not wanting to have to do anything with her. Then, she disappeared.

And then Minho disappeared, grinning at Thomas as he did. But Thomas saw the great sadness in his eyes.

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