Runners Manual

5.9K 153 45


By Minho






1. Report to the Map Room every morning before breakfast.

2. Recieve section assignment from Keeper.

3. Gear Up.

a. Shoes - if you have holes - patch it up. If it's beyond repair consult Keeper for new shoes.

b. Runny Undies - if you have holes - patch it up. If it's beyond repair consult Keeper.

c. Copy of Map - To be returned upon arrival after maze running.

d. Pencil/Notebook - Used strictly to aid in navigating and denoting patterns and routes in the maze.

e. Water - To hydrate your shuck face.

f. Satchel - To carry your shuck things.

g. Hand protectors - To protect your shuck hands.

4. Stop by Frypan's Kitchen - Pick up day's rations.

a. DO NOT over pack. The lighter you are the faster you will be. Faster you are the less dead you will be.

5. Pack up and meet with Running partner at the respective Maze doors.

a. Depending on the section you are assigned, you will meet up at the corresponding doors. (Consult the day's map for reference)

6. Discuss Checkpointe locations with your Running partner.

a. Assign different checkpoints within the maze to meet while exploring your own section. Follow the Runners' Code but also stay accountable for your partner.

b. Criteria for picking checkpoint locations:

i. 4 ways out - Make sure you have 4 ways out of your checkpoint area. You don't want to trap yourself at a corridor.


iii. Plenty of breadcrumbs - Even though both of you know where the checkpoint is - leave a trail just in case your partner gets lost.

7. Run the Maze.

a. Remember the Runners' Code.

i. Never Stop Running.

ii. Always Be Alert.

iii. Bring Back Hope.

b. Hydrate.

c. Keep track of the time.

8. Come back before the walls close.

9. Report to the Map Room.

a. Your first destination upon reentering the Glade is the Map Room. NO EXCEPTIONS. I don't care if you have to klunk in your pants.

10. Draw out the day's patterns and submit for inspection.

a. If I can't read your map drawing you will forgo dinner. DON'T WASTE THE GLADES' SUPPLIES.

11. Debrief the day's patterns and findings.

12. Break for dinner.

13. Sleep.

14. Run again.

Runners' Prayer:

End us with speed and agility to navigate through the Maze

Help us to protect and defend our family in the Glade

From the narrows to the blades and back may you guide us safely before the walls close

When we are in harm's way, protect us from the Griever sting.

Grant us victory and lasting peace

So that our running may not have been in vain

If not here in the Glade, out there at a better place.

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