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"Where the shuck is Y/N?" Newt said as he raised his voice in front of the other boys before the doors started to close.

"We haven't seen her." Someone yelled.

"Maybe she's in the homestead!"

"What if she's still in the maze?" Newt thought about going into the maze for a half a second before going for it. Just as Newt was about to run towards the door of the maze, Alby pulled him back.

"Slim it!" Alby yelled as the other boys began to hold a struggling Newt back from the doors. The doors closed with a rumble. The boys let go of Newt who then ran towards the closed doors. The other boys just stood and watched as Newt pounded the wall, hoping you'd make it through the whole night. He knew you shouldn't've been a runner, but you never listened. You were stuck in the maze for the night and no one makes it out alive.

The boys stood behind Newt as they waited for the doors to open. Minho and Ben were going to try to find Y/N with the rest of the runners. Newt's shoulders bent down, defeated.

He looked down, angry and mad at himself for letting you go into the maze in the first place.

The doors opened with a loud screeching sound. Newt and the others spotted you, on the floor of the maze unconscious. Newt, the runners and the med-jacks rushed to your aid.

"Is she dead?" Minho asks Clint and Jeff as they make their way to check your pulse.

"No, she has a steady heartbeat right now." Clint said.

"Nobody bloody touches her until I tell them to," Newt said loudly as the Gladers stepped back a bit to give Newt some space.

Newt then took you into his arms and started to carry you over to the homestead as Jeff and Clint led the way. He then placed you on one of the beds and stood there. Examining what Jeff and Clint were going to do to help you.

You shifted a bit in the bed which caused Newt to rush towards you. You opened your eyes to see his cute face and smiled.

"Hi," You said.

"Hey love," Newt said crouching down to the height of the bed. You loved it when he called you love.

"I'm sorry," You said as his face was filled with regret. "I want to run again."

"I told Alby, you had to work with me from now on. No more bloody running, can't shucking lose you again to that bloody maze." Newt said.

"But I'm a runner they need me. I survived the maze didn't I?"

"Bloody hell, how did you not even get stung by a griever?" Newt said as he placed a few strands of hair behind your ear.

"I ran as fast as I could so I could see you again," You said as he pressed his lips onto yours. "That night, I only thought about you."

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