Take A Pick

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Disclaimer: Belongs to @stuck-to-tmr-coz-newt on Tumblr.

Synopsis: You, Thomas, Minho and Newt ask each other some questions that lead to funny answers.


Y/N: Thomas, if you had to choose between Minho and Newt, who would you pick?

Thomas: I dunno, choosing between them is like choosing between water and food. One is absolutely essential to keep going or you'll die pretty quickly, and if you don't get the other you won't move forward and you'll slowly but eventually die.

Minho: Wow, I'm tearing up shank. What about you Y/N *smirks at Newt* , who would you pick?

Y/N: I dunno, choosing between Newt and you is like choosing between eating and pooping. Both are essential for a healthy life style, it's just that one is more enjoyable and pleasant than the other.

Newt: Thank you love.

Thomas: She's saying you're full of klunk Minho.

Minho: Don't deny it though, there's a certain sense of relief in taking a dump and in this place it's more than the relief we get eating Frypan's food!

A/N: Sorry it's really short :(

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