You're Chuck's Sister

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Warning: I feel like all I do is post sad stories I've cried over.

Disclaimer: Not Mine its from tumblr (Forgot the persons url)


The light from the curly brown haired boy died down until his eyes became empty, only to serve reminders of what he once was, of what he once wanted to be.

No one would know if he would be able to achieve those hopes and dreams that seemed so far away, yet right within his reach.

Not when he just sighed his last breath, taking away any chance of happiness or a life out of the Maze.

A wail sounded from the room. You grabbed Chuck's body and held him close to your own, desperately wishing that his heart would start beating again, that this was all one big joke.

It was in a way, to the people watching from the screens in the WICKED office, sitting, laughing at the pain they've decided to put this young boy through without even giving him a sliver of happiness.

"Chuck, Chuck, bud please, please wake up," You cried, unconsciously rocking him back and forth in your arms like a mother would to her child, "please buddy, I need you to wake up." Tears streamed down your face, burning your skin.

"I need you, please I need you," You sobbed, "you can't leave me right when our little adventure I promised you just started. Chuck! Chuck! PLEASE!" You weeped, staining his bloody shirt with your tears.

Your arm was pulled away from Chuck's body. You were left to stare at his lifeless figure as someone dragged you away from the scene.

You were seated in rows at the vehicle that took away from the place crawling with nightmares and wandering souls, your brother now one of them.

Words of comfort were sent your way, but they meant nothing.

"We're sorry about Chuck," Thomas mumbled but what was he sorry for? Sorry that he was dead? Sorry that he would never grow up and have a family of his own? Sorry that he would never live a life outside of the Maze? Sorry that he sacrificed his life for his? Sorry doesn't mean klunk to anyone right now.

Sorry won't bring Chuck back.

You wallowed in despair for the next week. A week filled with remembering and wanting to forget. A week filled with meaningless words towards someone who wasn't breathing anymore.

"Hey princess," You turned to see the source of the sound, your gaze meeting Newt's.

"Hey," You mumbled, no hint of emotion detected in your voice.

"It's not your fault you know," He put his arms around you, your head automatically resting on his shoulder, searching for comfort you haven't been able to find in anyone.

"Haven't heard that one before," You muttered sarcastically. Newt looked at you, his heart wrenching at the sight of you losing your spark, your light, your happiness. He wasn't going to let it slip away.

"Chuck knows you couldn't have done anything sunshine,"

"I could ha-"

"No, you couldn't have," Newt harshly cut you off, "no one knew it was coming. You did the best you could by being there for him, by being the big sister he's always wanted. Any happiness you think he missed out on, he got it, he got it because of you. Now, Chuck wouldn't want you to sit around crying over him, he would want you to be strong, he would want you to be happy, because that's all he's ever wanted for you. Now do right by him and make that wish come true okay sunshine?" Newt smiled, his eyes not filled with the typical sympathy you saw from the other Gladers, but his eyes were filled with hope and determination.

He wiped tears you didn't even know you were shedding.

You wrapped your arms around him tightly, "Thank you," you whispered.

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