You're Thomas' Sister

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Trigger Warning:Bad stuff is mentioned,please be safe.

Disclaimer:Not mine


"Happy Birthday, Sis." A teenage boy with light brown hair, very similar to my own, said as he wrapped his arm around me, giving me tight squeeze. I closed my eyes, sighing softly as I glanced down at my plate of food.

It was nothing against Frypan's cooking, but every time that memory hit me, it stole my appetite.

The Changing ruined me. I couldn't escape the few memories I was given a glimpse of. I knew him.
Thomas was my brother from what I've gathered from the few memories. I was always left wondering what our lives were like together before the Glade.

Were we close?

Thomas and I had only spent a few brief moments together since he arrived at the Glade, but nothing was really established.

We were still unraveling our memories of each other.

"Hey, Chuck, you up for some more grub?" I said as I passed the younger boy, handing him my plate as I passed by on my way to the Homestead. I rolled my eyes as I passed Teresa and her herd of 'admirers'. Some of the boys acted like they haven't seen a girl in ages.

I didn't want to admit that the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach was jealousy of her. She was tall and skinny, with long lean legs and perfectly clear pale skin and burning blue eyes.

I didn't compare to that and I couldn't describe the feeling that I felt when I saw her and then looked back at myself. Maybe the memories weren't the only things stealing away my appetite.

My eyes fell upon Newt talking to Teresa and Thomas and my footsteps quickened until I was finally at the Homestead and sleep was just moments away.

At the glimpse of dawn, I was already up and preparing my backpack for the trip. I got to the entrance of the west doors, right on time as the maze opened before me.

I waited for a few moments, glancing around the glade for Minho, starting to convince myself that I'd be better off just going in on my own instead of wasting time by waiting for him.

"Sorry I'm late. I'm still getting used to this whole waking up at the crack of dawn thing." I heard a masculine voice say and I turn around to see Thomas jogging towards me.

"Where's Minho?" I asked, curiously.

"Good morning, Thomas. It's so nice to see you." He said sarcastically, with a small smirk on his lips.

"Slim it, shank. I'm just wondering." A smile broke my lips, lightening the mood.

"Frypan's cooking didn't go down too well last night so he's having me run with you while he recovers. Good that?"
I nodded slowly, but then noticed that we were starting to burn daylight with these meaningless chatter.

"Well, we should get going then." I murmured, before taking off into the maze with Thomas stumbling after me.

The whole run so far had just included friendly banter between Thomas and I as we ran through the maze. It felt homely, almost natural. It made me wonder if this was how the two of us acted before all of this.

It was about midday when we stopped to refuel. The sun was high at its peak in the sky, blazing down on us. The heat was really starting to take its toll on me.

I was never one to be able to do well in the heat, especially when I was running low on water and an empty stomach.

Sweat covered my skin, making my hair stick to the back of my neck.

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