chapter 3

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toni sat at the hotel with kevin as they were about to meet cheryl and josie. toni was told to wear her finest, so the brunette wore a red flannel, a white tank top, ripped jeans and converses. her hair flowing her shoulders.

"toni must you always look like you rolled out of a snoop dogg concert. " kevin said as his phone buzzed.

"no but I do try my best. " toni remarked as kevin scoffed and read the messages. he slides his phone back into his fanny pack and looks at toni.

"their in the lobby, can I trust you wont embarrass the both of us?" kevin asked with pleading eyes. he had known toni for five years now and still was learning that she was unpredictable.

"nope. " toni winked walking into the lobby seeing the four girls on the couch. josie talking with the three of them cheryl staying at the edge.

"hey josie," kevin smiles making all heads turn to them.

"kevin, your know the girls. after they did that song with your other prodigy shawn. " josie says as veronica waved betty playing with a etch a sketch that she stole from a kid five minuets ago.

"yes indeed, hey veronica , betty. " he looks at betty with a uncomfortable smile as she did some time of hand gesture "and cheryl. " he turns back to the ginger who's eyes were on toni she stood up along with josie.

toni finally got the chance to take in the red haired girl's outfit and features. cheryl had on a oversized sweater that hung off her shoulders slightly, light jeans that hugged her curves, uggs, and a pair of glasses with the glass missing. toni took in her full eyebrows , her pink lips , and the way her long hair fell on both shoulders like a waterfall. she then looked at the exposed skin of her neck and but her lip. she thought cheryl was gorgeous. which she was.

"cheryl this is toni as im sure you know. " kevin said and cheryl looked at toni with a curious smile. she noticed the snapback on her head that was lazy put on. she noticed the nose ring and the slit in her eyebrows. she also payed attention to the small tattoo on her forearm as her sleaves were rolled up. it was a black and white sunflower as the petals were falling off.

"hey princess. " toni took cheryls hand and instead of shaking it she kissed it softly. toni kept eye contact with a little smirk as cheryls face turned bright red. cheryl nervously pulled her hand away shoving it into her jean pocket.

"hi, hello, toni. " cheryl rambled veronica smirking from behind.

"well I will say already trying to flirt with my child and you're here what two minuets. " veronica says throwing a arm around cheryls shoulders.

"I didnt do anything sugar. " toni winked now at veronica who scoffed.

"oh sweetie stay with cheryl, you couldn't handle this. " veronica whipped her hair back and strutted off.

"so when do we come out publically?" cheryl changed the subject toni keeping her eyes on cheryl who felt the need not to look at the girl.

"tomorrow. as soon as possible. that way we can get this on with y'know?" kevin said. josie nodded agreeing with the other manager.

"so how am I gonna post a picture of her with hickey all over her and be all like, ' had fun with my new girl' or something." toni asked naturally cheryl blushing looking down.

"oh god know, what's wrong with her?" josie said toni laughed and shrugged. betty finally interjects.

"I like the idea, my girl cheryl needs some booty. " betty says and josie glares.

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