chapter 5

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this takes a turn. sorry if you dont like the turn if you dont then dont read. period.

toni looked at herself in the mirror with a frown as she looked at her crotch area making sure she wasn't visible at all. this was something she struggled with her whole life. she had a penis yet she looked like a female. it was a rare condition that for some reason was given to her. don't get her wrong having a penis really came and handy but most of the time she wished she could just become a full man. however kevin convinced her not to take the pills until she was ready to throw away her career.

she had to wear compression shorts to keep the bulge down which worked but it still irritated her. her father was never thrilled that his girl had a penis but he never turned his back on her, although her mm did, up until the day she got cancer. she said she was sorry and apologized toni forgave her but the woman passed away the very next day.

toni sighs before throwing on a extra large hoodie and leaving her bathroom. once she had took out the carton of orange juice her phone ringed. the caller id was unknown, she furrowed her eyebrows before answering holding it to her ear with her shoulder as she poured the orange juice.

"hello?" the familiar voice said softly through the phone and toni hummed.

"hi. who the hell is this?" toni said as she took a sip out of the drink.

"it's cheryl" the other girl sighed.

"oh hey ginger bread. " toni smiled even though cheryl couldn't see her.

"yeah okay. so um what are you doing?" cheryl asked the voice of the girls could be heard in a muffle.

"oh no one right now. " toni smirked as she heard cheryl groan in frustration.

"you know what im hanging up."

"i was only kidding, im not doing anything right now. " toni said with a chuckle

"well veronica and betty told me to invite you for a girls Friday. it's something we do every Saturday but since they insisted on you being there two, i had to ask. " cheryl explained. toni tapped her fingers along the glass.

"okay sure where?" toni hummed.

"veronica's parents house, they live in Miami but are in Cuba for the weekend so they asked veronica to watch it for them . I'll text you the info. "

"ight chill. when should i be there cutie?" toni said not even thinking about it.

"at 4 dont be late. " cheryl said before hanging up.

"bye then. " toni chuckled before sliding her phone into her back pocket.


"and where are you going?" kevin asked as toni opened the door to her apartment seeing kevin with his fanny pack.

"to fuck your mom now bye. " toni said trying to leave but kevin only chuckled and put a hand up.

"i told you no clubbing by yourself. then people will assume your cheating. " kevin said with a raised eyebrow.

"kevin, buddy, you need a boyfriend. you are putting way to much interest in my life. " toni says with a smirk as kevin narrowed his eyes with an odd glare.

"shut up, im not lonely, now where are you going?" kevin ask again.

"ugh to hang with cheryl , Victoria , and bertha. "

"their names are veronica and betty. " kevin said with an amused smirk.

"yeah thats what i said jeez. " toni said rolling her eyes.

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