chapter 16

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Go ahead and read escape and the bestfriend please.
I found it extremely fucking rude when you say just update the regular book. Like please you create 15 story's and try to keep a regular update status. But ye.

Btw wattpad has been acting up lately. Like it's not showing comments and full updates.

Vote and comment.

"Shes been crying for the days straight." Fangs says into the phone as he called veronica.

"Cheryl hasn't said more than two sentences. " veronica says checking in on cheryl who was laying down fast asleep.

"We have to get these two talking again." Fangs nods. Just then Betty beeps in wanting to join the call. They both let her.

"I was taking a piss what I miss." Betty says running out of the chinese restaurant.

"We are trying to get toni and cheryl back together." Veronica informs.

"Oh.. thats boring why dont we ever talk about interesting things like how someone created dinosaur sounds without ever hearing them." Betty says walking through the crowded streets.

"Because we haven't been dropped on are head 6 times when we were born." Fangs announces causing Betty to scoff.

"How do we plan to get them back together?" Veronica changes the subject.

"I get her miami you two figure out the rest. " fangs says hanging.

"How are we gonna do this?" Veronica says running a hand through her hair.

"We could fuck?" Betty suggest as she gets back into her car.

"What would us fucking do for them?" Veronica groans.

"It does something for this pu-" before betty could finish veronica hangs up rubbing at the bridge of her nose.

"I need new friends. " veronica groans.

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