chapter 10

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"Hi toni, can I come in I wanted to talk I dont know if your still mad and-" ariana starts but gets cut off by cheryl who had walked up behind toni and peered over her shoulder.

"Baby who's at the door." Cheryl sa yesh s not looking up at all to see who was there.

"Is she your new girlfriend?" Ariana says sweetly with a smile. Toni ran a hand through her hair in disbelief.

"Yes she is." Toni said trying to look at the hurt in her eyes.

"Hey I'm cheryl I obviously know you your ariana grande." Cheryl says politely pulling away from toni.

"I uh I know you too the third strikes are amazing." Ariana says shivering slightly.

"Your gonna get sick. Come in. " toni groaned not wanting her ex to get sick despite the anger she had for her.

"No I don't want to interrupt. " ariana goes to turn around but toni grabbed her wrist stopping her.

"Just come in and change your clothes I have some clothes I could give you." Toni says and ariana looks af cheryl and she could see the slight annoyance in her eyes.

"Okay." Ariana said in a smile voice.

"Could you help me cher? " toni ask.

"You're more than capable of grabbing some clothes-" toni just rolled her eyes and dragged her into her bedroom. 

Her bed was huge with a black back board.  She had her platinum songs on her walls.  she had a thick gray blanket and pillows on her bed. With a various amount of guitars and pictures. But cheryl snorted at the rainbow flag hanging on the wall.

"Are you mad at me?" Toni said grabbing Cheryl's waist.

Cheryl crossed her arms avoiding eye contact.

"No why I would be mad that your giving your ex some of your clothes to wear? " cheryl said and toni rolled her eyes grabbing her chin.

"Babygirl what am I suppose to do let her freeze its pouring down outside. " toni said and cheryl sighed before kissing toni's head.

"Just none of your hoodies those are mine." Cheryl says strutting out the room. Toni smirked shaking he head before gred jabbing the smallest shirt she owned for ariana since the size difference.

Once ariana was changed she was wearing toni's old sweats she used to wear rdd alot but doesn't really anymore, and a pink shirt with the words 'be kind' on the chest. She pulled up her wet hair and wiped her makeup clean.

"I um I set the flowers on the counter you hate red Rose's so I made sure to get the white ones" ariana said and cheryl rolled her eyes before flipping the page in her book.

"What happend? You never show up at my house crying and sober. " toni said and ariana started to play with her hands.

"Pete." She said the one word and toni ran a hand through her hand again.

"Ariana you said you left him?" Toni said frustrated.

"I did but he said he'd get better." Ariana said her face in her hands. Cheryl narrowed her eyes scoffing before flipping the page once again.

"Well what he do this time?" Toni ask raising an eyebrow.

"He said he was out with his friends so I got off of work early and went to surprise him and he was cheating again." Ariana wiped her eyes.

"Ari." Toni sighed hugging her but then cheryl broke out into a fit of coughing. This made ariana scoot far away from toni and toni glare at cheryl who was laughing quietly.

"I just wanted someone to talk to." Ariana said honestly.

"Well next time call instead of showing up at 9 pm." Toni said with a slight grin.

"Youd ignore my calls anyways." Ariana sighed standing up. Toni went to say something but she really couldn't say anything.

"I should go thanks. It was nice meeting you. Cheryl." Ariana said but cheryl didn't even look up.

"Yeah." She responded dryly.

"Bye toni." Ariana said before grabbing her wet clothes and hurrying out.  Toni sighed cringes slightly she was a total bitch to ariana.

"She's gone wanna makeout?" Cheryl said closing her book. Toni glared at cheryl who only shrugged and sat down beside her.

"What's wrong you still dont have feeling for her do you, am I rebound?"  Cheryl panics making toni smirk slightly.

"Not romantically but I've known her for five years dated her for two. Of course o care about her. She was my bestfriend." Toni answers truthfully. "She got me away from something that I could've killed myself with." 

"But the way you guys-"

"Cheryl. I like you and only you I swear to you on that." Toni says grabbing Cheryl's hand interlocking their fingers before bringing it to her mouth and kissing her knuckles.

"I like you too." Cheryl giggled. Cuddling into toni.

"Wanna watch icarly and cuddle?" Cheryl ask kissing toni's cheek.

"Fuck yes." Toni said excitedly.

#kinda a filler

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