chapter -4

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ily and thanks for blowing up the last chapter with your comments <3

"bad girl pop star ,toni topaz and cheryl blossom from the third strikes , are together? tmz caught pictures of the two having dinner at Lorenzo's Tuesday evening. could toni topaz actually be committing?" the E news reporter said before toni cut off the TV as kevin and josie sat beside her, cheryl recording music with her girls.

"see i told you it would work. " kevin said sipping on his latte. 

"for now, if toni can keep up with the good attitude. " josie says as toni rolled her eyes standing up. 

"im gonna go smoke. " toni groans but kevin and josie pull her back down. 

"nope, you're going to pick up cheryl and the girls, in your jeep. then you're taking just cheryl for ice cream" kevin says josie nodding. 

"ugh, you two are gonna make me broke. " toni grumble grabbing her jeep keys and jacket before leaving. kevin and josie high five in victory.


"hurry up losers. " toni honked as betty , veronica , and cheryl exited the  building. betty and veronica hopped in the back cheryl in the front. toni held a blunt out the window dragging it before throwing it on the ground. 

"sugar mommy, why are you picking us up?" veronica ask scrunching at the smell of the marijuana. 

"well dildo eater, i'm dropping you two off and taking cherry for ice cream. " toni announces cheryl groaning as she buckled up. 

"aw babe i love being around you two. " toni said blowing her a kiss. 

"we want ice cream no fair. " betty said and toni glared. 

"yeah we want taco bell too. " veronica says crossing her arms. 

"im not fake dating you two. " toni said starting the car. 

"well we're a trio. " cheryl said with a smirk. 

"yup you date one you deal with the rest of us. " betty said whipping her hair back. 

"periodt" veronica snaps. 

"im not taking you guys to taco bell. " toni announces. 


"that'll be 34 dollars ma'am"  the woman says through the drive through window. toni grumbles before handing her credit card to the brown haired woman. the taco bell employee hands her the two bags of food before toni drives off. 

"yayyy!" betty says digging through the food. 

"that's my taco bish. " veronica snatches the taco in betty's hand. 

"hey no trash or sauce on my leather seats. " Toni says looking through the rear-view mirror.  

"why didn't you get anything red? you're friends just got 34 dollars worth of food for two people." toni ask cheryl who remained quiet beside her with a headphone in her ear. 

"because you're taking me for Chinese before we get ice-cream. " cheryl said with a half smile. 

"oh yeah?" toni said with the same smile. 

"mmhmm. " cheryl nods tugging at her sweater. 

"fine but you're trying sushi. " 

"ew no. "

"then no food at all?" toni smirks and cheryl huffs. 


"it's just crab cheryl. " toni giggled recording toni with the glasses resting on her nose the same ones with no glass. the girl wore her blue 'fri-yay' sweater with leggings and converses as she poked at the roll. 

"i just wanted pork fried rice. " cheryl cried. 

"c'mon one bite. " toni persuaded and cheryl took a small bite before gagging and spitting it out. toni laughs historically before ending the video. 

"that wasn't crab!" cheryl pouted. 

"babe, it was eel. "

"dont babe me that tasted like ass!?" cheryl screams. 

"you've ate ass before cher?"  toni jokes cheryl blushing and crossing her arms. 

"no, wha- no. " cheryl denies as the waitress comes back with her food. toni eating the sushi with a smirk. 




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