chapter 7

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Cheryl stirred awake with a weight on her waist. She looked down to see a pair of tan arms tightly wrapped around her body. She looks behind her to see toni's head resting on her. Toni eyebrows furrowed and her lips parted as she slept. She smiled at how adorable toni could be. She was about to go back to sleep when she heard a giggle.

She looked up to see Betty and veronica recording her. She turned bright red and jumped out of toni's arms.

Betty and veronica look at each other turning off the phones. "Run." Veronica says to Betty handing her her phone. They both dart out the door cheryl chasing after them.  Toni remained asleep on the couch slightly snoring.

"I hate you both of you" cheryl growls as she enters the house veronica and Betty behind her the video already blowing up on snapchat.

All three of them stop when they see toni cleaning up the living room. Veronica  looks at betty, who looks at cheryl , who looks back at toni.

"Excuse me what did you do with toni? " veronica says and toni flips her off as she sets the folded blanket on the couch.

"She's right here so shut the hell up before I  kick your ass." Toni says and veronica stomps her way over the small quacks from her duck slippers making there sounds. She wore her onesie and her hair was a mess.

"Bitch you want to square up?" Veronica ask and toni crosses her toned arms and raises one eyebrow.

"Go sit your ducky slipper wearing ass down. "  toni says and veronica scoffs before leaving to go to the bathroom.

"So are you staying tonight too? " cheryl ask as toni walks over to her Betty in the kitchen looking for something.

"Maybe, I dont know I might have to be in the studio. " toni says as she sits down. Cheryl realises that toni had changed into dark gray sweatpants , a purple kiss t shirt and a chain. Her hair pulled up. For some reason she bit her lip before coughing and looking away once she notices toni caught her checking her out.

"Please? Veronica and Betty always makes fun of me when we're alone." Cheryl pouts making toni smirk.

"They pick on you when im around too" toni says and cheryl blushes.

"Shut up and stay" cheryl says with a eye roll.

"So clingy. " toni chuckled.

"You love it." Cheryl said and toni's eyes fall to the pink lips that causes so many emotions inside of her. She wet her own lips as the breathing of cheryl slowed slightly and Cheryl's eyes were focusing on hers now.

"Have either of you seen my rotted potato? It's a serious deal. I thought I left it in the sink. " Betty ask and toni clears her throat looking away.

"Betts you left it in the toilet. " veronica says walking into the room.

"Ohhh right." Betty giggled skipping to the bathroom.


Once everyone was dressed and ready it was 11 am.  Toni sat on the couch with veronica talking about nothing really occasionally  showing eachother funny Instagram post.

Cheryl walked out and toni looked up like they were in some movie. Cheryl was wearing ripped denim Jean's with rips across her thighs showing off the creamy skin, a black criss cross crop top, with black heels. Her hair was in a neat ponytail and she applied light makeup. Toni was practically a drooling mess. That was the thing about cheryl, somedays she would wear a fuzzy sweater with a llama on it with leggings, and the next she looked like she just walked straight out of a Kardashians closet.

"What's wrong your staring? " cheryl said blushing looking down.

"Nothing you just...look amazing. You al was ays do though." Toni said and Cheryl's blushed darkened.

"What?" Cheryl said her voice shaky.

"SHE SAID YOU LOOOK AMAZING" Betty screams from the other room.

" #itschoniyo " veronica says and toni snorts as cheryl leaves the room.

"So what're we doing today. " Betty ask as they enter veronica's range rover. Cheryl in the passenger seat as Betty and toni sat in the back.

"We can go skinny dipping in Justin's pool?" Toni says and everyone looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Justin bieber or ?" Cheryl ask and toni shrugs.

"I mean yeah or I can text Timberlake." Toni says and veronica clears her throat.

"Great idea really, but uh I was thinking we go to the mall drink over priced lattes and then go buy expensive shoes we wear maybe once."  Veronica says and the two other girls squeal loudly. Toni covers her ears and cringes her nose.

"Next time warn me before the ear rape. " Toni groans.


"Who drinks black coffee. " Betty says sipping her extra caramel caramel frape.

"Yeah they must have no soul. " veronica says drinking her own latte.

"I'm right here" toni says taking a sip out of the hot coffee. Cheryl drinks her white chocolate iced coffee just listening to the conversation.

"Yeah we know. " Betty and veronica say at the same time.

Toni scoffs before reaching out for Cheryl's hand. Cheryl smiles to herself before intertwining their hands. Toni holding her coffee with the other hand. Cheryl doing the same.

"Meet us in the food court in 40 minutes. " Betty says as everyone finished their drinks dragging veronica into some store.

"I hate malls. " toni says slightly swaying their hands in between them.

"Why ? Do they not have enough hot topics? " cheryl jokes and toni chuckles before shaking her head.

"Nah just its awkward to walk into stores buying boxers when the cashier directs you too the girl underwear."  Toni says and cheryl nods.

"Screw them I think it's hot. " she said but immediately face palms herself when she thought about what she said.

"Oh yeah?" Toni smirked at cheryl cleared her throat looking down.

There was a hallway right beside them that lead to a fire exit. Toni dragged then into the hallway before pinning cheryl to the wall. Cheryl felt those same butterflies as she always did when toni got close.

"How hot?" Toni said in a raspy voice.

Cheryl looked at toni's lips and bit her bottom lip. Toni's hands were on either side of Cheryl's head as Cheryl's were at her sides.

"Like I want you to kiss me right now hot." Cheryl husked out and toni felt the breath in her lungs catch itself. She licked her bottom lip tasting the vanilla chapstick. And leaned in hovering over the lipstick coated lips that she so desperately needed.

"OMG IS THAT TONI TOPAZ AND CHERYL BLOSSOM?!?"  Toni heard a fan scream she cursed under her breath not wanting to deal with the pictures right now.dong get her wrong she loved her fans but not when she was about to kiss the cutest and hottest girl she had ever seen.

"Shit." She heard cheryl mumble. Tini smirked before grabbing Cheryl's hand and pulling her out the exit. When they got outside it was pouring rain and they looked at eachother with smiles before it turned into laughter.

Toni was pulled closer to Cheryl's body by her shoulders as the speakers the mall had on the outside played some pop song.

"I think you owe me a kiss." Cheryl hummed. Toni smiled as she gripped Cheryl's waist her thumbs brushing over the exposed skin from the crop top.  The rain making both of them drenched but that didn't matter.

"Well kissing in the rain is very romantic dont you think? Especially when thinking out loud is playing." Toni says and cheryl rolls her eyes as she leans in and kisses her favourite pair of lips.

"Sometimes you should be quiet." Cheryl mumbled against the lips. Toni smirked before pushing cheryl against the brick wall of the building.

"Will do. "

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