chapter 11 pt 2

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Cheryl and the girls were back to signing albums as josie went to go finish a meeting with her bosses. Toni agreed to stay with the girls until they finished since she finished recording early.

"Hey can you two hold down the fort for a while I promised my mom I'd feed the cats at her house while she was out of town with papi. " veronica said standing up grabbing her coat.

" can I come I want to see the kitties." Betty clapped. Veronica rolled her eyes before nodding.

"Sure we can you'll just have alot to sign when you get back." Cheryl said as Betty and veronica said bhe and left.

Toni was scrolling her phone as she sat on the coach in the corner. Cheryl bit her lip before putting down her marker and walked over to her girlfriend.

"Baby? Thank you for staying. " cheryl said straddling Toni's lap. Toni smiled and set her phone down.

"You're welcome cherry. I missed you anyways. " toni said softly rubbing her palms up and down Cheryl's hips.

"I missed you Too." Cheryl hummed leaning down to kiss toni's lips. The kiss was slow, their lips moving together sensually as toni gripped at Cheryl's plaid mini skirt. Tilting her head to deepen the kiss, tobi ran her tongue across cheryls bottom lip. Parting her lips , cheryl slides her tongue in to taste her girlfriends tongue.

Toni's hands traveled to the petite girls back. Her fingertips living a fiery trail across the exposed skin. Cheryl's nails ran across the back of Toni's neck pulling her impossibly closer.

Their tongues were appetively running amongst eachother. Toni swallowing her girlfriends moans.

Toni could feel her compression shorts become uncomfortable by the second. It struck her gard when cheryl grinded her pelvis into the girls growing. Pulling back toni nervously chuckled.

"Dont do that babe." She said softly.

"Do what?" Cheryl says grinning innocently.

"I uh..when you move like that it turns me on." Toni mumbled for some reason. She was never nervous. But with cheryl her confidence faded a d she had butterflies.

"Oh yeah?" Cheryl says leaning down to kiss Toni's neck. Her tongue running slowly up the girls throat. She then again grinds her hips into the girl making a moan fall from Toni's lips. As turned on as they both wore toni crossed her arm angrily as cheryl giggled.

"I asked nicely." Toni said and cheryl pecked the girls lips.

"Most people wouldnt be complaining" cheryl said with a satisfied smile.

"Well most people dont have a hard ass cock that is I'll have to deal with in a minute. " toni said with a knowing glare.

Cheryl strailed her hand from Toni's shoulder down to her abs down to the bulge in her Jean's. She cupped it through the material.

"Hot damn toni.." cheryl said as toni head threw back as she was gripped.

"Do you want me to take care of it?" Cheryl whispered and toni opened her eyes.

"Yes please." Toni husked making cheryl bites her lip. As she looks over and grabs a tissue.

"When your about to come tell me. " cheryl says as Toni's hands grip at the girls perfectly round ass.

Cheryl's fingers work to unbutton the girls Jean's unzipping them. Toni pushed her hips up so cheryl could pull her Jean's down to her thighs. Cheryl held back a giggled at the superman boxers.

"Superman? Is that your new logo?" Cheryl said her eyes trailing down to the huge bulge that was present.

"Well he is pretty dope." Toni nods.
Cheryl shook her head as she gripped the rim of the boxers pushing them down. When toni was fully exposed Cheryl's mouth fell agape.

It was about 4 inches bigger than reggies and it was so thick. "Your so big." Cheryl practically moaned as she  she gripped the base of her cock. She wanted to feel toni inside of her stretching her out.

When toni felt the hand grip her , her eyes fell shut and she bit her lip as she dug her nails into cheryl ass.

Cheryl stroked upward as she ran her thumb across the head. "Did I really get you this hard?" Cheryl said as toni rasped a moan.

"Uh huh." Tonibsaid her hands running to Cheryl's lower back.

Cheryl started to slowly stroke her girlfriend loving how she had this affect over her girlfriend. Toni kept her self trimmed and nice so.ething that turned cheryl on crazily.

Cheryl sped up the motions running her thumb across the head  while her other hand massaged Toni's balls.  Cheryl moaned at the precum that was spurring out of the head. She leaned down and took the head between her lips. Toni let out a husky groan as her hand gripped at Cheryl's hair.

Cheryl sucked at the head running her tongue across it as she kept her hand moving quickly.

"Just like that." Toni moaned out as cheryl pulled back and connected there lips again.

"Can I take you with my mouth?" Cheryl whispered against Toni's lips.

"Whatever you want to do. " toni nodded as cheryl stopped with her hand and got onto her knees.

"Fuck my mouth." Cheryl moaned as she attached her lips to the base of Toni's cock.

"I..dont..wanna..oh my god..hurt you." She tried to get out as cheryl slowly licked up the full length to the head.

"You wont I promise. If it becomes to much I'll tap your leg." Cheryl said before taking all of toni into her mouth as she bottomed out.

"Okay." Toni said as she held cheryl into place. She began to slowly push her hips up as cheryl moaned

As Cheryl's lips were at the base of her cock she pulled back with a smirk.

"Whatre you doing?" Toni whined.

"Teasing. " cheryl wiggled her eyebrows. Toni moaned as she gripped Cheryl's hair placing her back on her cock. Cheryl was on fire on how hot that was.

"Baby I need this right now."  Toni said not trying to be too assertive right away.

She felt her head hit the back of Cheryl's throat. She moaned as cheryl began to Bob her head as she moved her hips up and down.

"Tighter cher." Toni mumbled "I'm so close babygirl. "

Doing as her girlfriend she tightened up swallowing around the cock. She felt her girl thrust into her mouth making her grip her hips and whimper. She wasn't used to how big and thick toni was. She pulled back and started to jerk her girlfriend off.

"Cum for me babygirl." Cheryl growled  as toni brought the tissue to her head and shot out a rope of cum.

Once she finished she pulled cheryl in for a kiss.

"I can get you off if you want?" Toni mumbled on Cheryl's lips. Cheryl shook her head. "This was about you babe. You'll make it up to me later." Cheryl winked as she got off her girlfriend and started signing more albums as toni chuckled throwing away the napkin and fixing herself.

Just as she cleaned up josie walked in with donuts.

"Wheres ver- who had lesbian sex? " she said sniffing rapidly.

Guys I'm so sorry if its trash im not great at writing smutt.

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