chapter 14

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"No you're the one who almost ran over a guy on fourth of july." Cheryl said in a fit of giggles as they walked back towards the hotel.

"Not true. He said 'your not even american.' And I said 'watch my Cuban American ass run you over." Veronica clarifies "he then started to walk away. So I never tried to do anything."

"That's exactly what you told the cops." Cheryl says. Veronica took a bite of the hotdogs they both got from the carnival.

"Tonight was fun. " cheryl sighed happily.

"Was it? " veronica asked bumping her with her elbow.

"It was. " cheryl nodded.

"Well good because the whole night I had to drag your ass everywhere. " veronica said with a eye roll.  Cheryl gasped shoving the shorter girl.

"Hey you bitch." Veronica said taking the rest of her hotdogs to the trash throwing it away.

"I'm the bitch. Your like five foot. " cheryl challenges.

"I will Jack you up you alto basura"  veronica threatens.

"Did you just call me tall trash?" Cheryl said amused and at the least threatened.

Without another word veronica picked up cheryl tossing her over her shoulder before marching to the side of the side walk right next tot the street.

"Free bitch for sale. " she said to the cars that passed.

"Oh my God veronica put me down." Cheryl screeches only getting chuckles from veronica. As they got closer to the hotel.

"I'm gonna tell Betty to whoop your ass."  Cheryl said crossing her arms.

'Yes daddy. " veronica moans making cheryl gag. They enter the hotel with a irritated cheryl and a amused veronica. the hotel clerk raised an eyebrow at the girls but decided to continue reading the magazine.

Veronica puts cheryl down at door. "Thanks for tonight vero. This is why you're my bestest bestfriend." Cheryl clarified putting up a finger.

"Fuck you too." Betty says walking out of her room. She was still in pajamas the girls had stayed out to 9pm.

"I love you Betty your like my sister. " cheryl says but Betty only waves her off.

"V you wanna finish the movie or you wanna go to bed?" Veronica Pats Cheryl's arm before turning to Betty.

"Finosh but then we need to talk about your dreams." She winked making cheryl scrounge up he nose walking back into her hotel.

She immediately took off her shoes and played back in bed.

She reached over to her phone checking her messages. Toni had texted five times and called three. For some reason cheryl became irritated.

Why should she have to wait around for toni to call her. She had called  toni multiple times before but no response why should she have to jump everytime toni called.

So instead she turned her phone off  and fell asleep.

The girls didnt see the paparazzi that was across the street who got a couple of photos that will most likely cause trouble in the media as quick as the morning.

"What's wrong toni." Ariana ask the girl who kept checking her phone.

"Cheryl. I dont know what's wrong I mean its 9 PM and she hasn't even read my messages i want to talk to her " tini said turning her phone off before looking at her untouched ice cream.

" did you piss her off?" Ariana ask as she winks at a girl in the corner.

"Ew stop.  And i dont think i did." Toni says seriously.

"Then there shouldn't be something wrong maybe she fell asleep early. " ariana reassured.

"Do you remember back when we were bestfriends and I dated that blonde girl. She cheated on me so you took fire works and shot it at her house. " toni said and ariana shrugged. 

"She had the audacity to cheat on you with Austin mahone. " ariana shakes her head.

"I miss having a bestfriend. The only people I talk to is Cheryl's friends and fangs. Which I love fangs and the girls but fangs only smokes weed and wants to do illegal stuff and veronica is mean to me." Toni said tapping her fingers along the table like she normally does.

"Fangs is a fucking mood." Ariana says taking Toni's ice cream and beganing to eat it.  "Veronica is sexy."

"I'm leaving now." Toni said with a groan.

"Wait let me walk your shit self out." Ariana says bringing the ice cream with her and he shopping bags.

"Thanks for not being all weird tonight." Ariana says making toni shake her head.

"Welp thanks for the pizza. " toni said and ariana nodded.

"I miss having you as a bestfriend too. I hope cheryl likes me I really dont want her hating me." Ariana said and toni waved it off.

"Shes just jealous because you happen to be my ex."

"That's a good reason to be i mean." Ariana shrugged.

"My hotels this way. But is was nice hanging with you." Toni stops and ariana looks up at the slightly taller girl.

"Diddo. Call me sometime maybe I can try to win over cheryl." Ariana wiggled her eyebrows.

"Bye ari." Toni shakes her head leaving for her hotel.

A fan had too a picture inside of the ice cream place of them talking. She immediately posted the picture to he Instagram.


Cheryl woke up to veronica and josie yelling inside her room.

"We were hanging out damn." Veronica defends as josie glares.

"Well the paparazzi didn't make it seem that way."

Cheryl got out of bed opening her door. "Whats going on?" Cheryl ask the two.

"Check your twitter." Josie says aggravatedly leaving to go back down stairs.

Opening up her phone cheryl opens Twitter and immediately checks her feed.  Pictures of veronica and he rest night her flooding everywhere.

"Uh oh." Cheryl looks up.

"Check the trending page Betty says laughing at veronica and Cheryl's situation.

Doing as asked she opened up the trending page and number one is 'tariana '  toni and ariana ship name.

"Apparently toni and ariana were hanging out last night." Veronica informs. And just like that cheryl was angrily dialing Toni's number.

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