chapter 13

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You all know the deal vote and comment guys love love love you

It was a month since toni started her tour. Her shows were all sold up and packed. The thrill of being famous was enough to get through the day. But being so famous came with being very busy. She didnt get back to the hotel or tour bus till 12 am some nights even 3.

She tried her best to call cheryk as much as she could. Which normally meant she called her whenever she had free time.

Cheryl and the girls were always in the studio,  but since they weren't on tour they weren't as busy so cheryl had way more free time.

"Knock knock." Veronica says  as she peeked through the hotel room. Cheryl looked up from her phone to see veronica standing with a bag of food.

"Hey." Cheryl forced a smile.

"Howdy." Veronica said placing the  bag of tacos on Cheryl's lap before sitting criss cross on the bed in front of her.

"Wheres Betty I thought you two were watching a movie." Cheryl ask before looking at the food. "Thank you." She really hadn't been up to much lately she never wanted to miss a call from toni.

"You're welcome , She fell asleep and started moaning my name...shit got weird quick." Veronica says and cheryl snorts before taking a bite of a taco.

"You've been shot lately." Veronica says leaning back on her elbow.


"Like worse than Ross whenever he found out his wife was a lesbian." Veronica assures.

"You know how to charm a girl." Cheryl narrowed her eyes at veronica.

"Well it's TRUE so tonight your leaving your phone in that damn bed and we're going to have fun. " veronica says standing up. Cheryl groans before stomping out of the bed and heading to the bathroom to change.


"They canceled your show tonight toni the venue had technical difficulties with the sound so they want to move it to tomorrow night." Kevin says entering the room.

Toni just ended the call with haley's manager for their collab that was sure to come.

"Wait for real I have a free night?" Toni says excitedly.

"I suppose you do. No clubbing but feel free to check out new jersey." Kevin says and toni waves him off.

"I'm just going to call cheryl." Kevin rolled his eyes with a chuckle.


"Your barely older than me!" Toni calls as he leaves to go to his room.

Toni takes out her phone dialing Cheryl's number. She let it ring buf no one picked up. She bit her lip as she left a message.

"Hey pick up we can face time all night of you want. My show was cancelled. Call me back." She said as the voicemail ended.

After 15 minuets she still hadn't even recieved a text so she decided to text her again. There was no way she could be asleep, it was only 5pm.

Toni- heyy babe call me plz 😋

She sent the message but as another 4t minuets passed her message wasn't even read. She sighs before turning off her phone. Deciding the girl was
Busy she didnt want to just sit around.  So grabbing her jacket she throws it on before leaving the hotel.


" a carnival ?" Cheryl groans as they walked up to the  ticket booth.

"Yes cheryl Miami carnivals are bad ass." Veronica said handing the woman money before getting the wrist band pug on her. She took Cheryl's wrist band and got on one knee. Cheryl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Cheryl Marjorie blossom will you make me the happiest little shit in the world and get me a corn dog." She held up the yellow , paper  band.

Cherhl giggled and placed a hand over her  heart.

"I'd be honored." Cheryl says and veronica takes her wrist putting on the band.

"Theres a line ladies can you move along?" The older lady said and veronica flipped her off before pulling cheryl to another booth.

"I suck at throwing. " cheryl said and veronica rolled her eyes.

"I'll go first then your turn." Veronica hands two dollars two the man and he hands her a baseball.

"If you hit number ten you get the big bear. " he says and veronica nods before aiming out her target.

She throws the ball and it hig number nine instead.  "Shit.  She curses. Cheryl giggled as he hands her a smaller pink bear instead.

"For you." Veronica bows.

"My turn." Cheryl says as he hands her a baseball. Cheryl narrowed her eyes as stretched her throwing arm.

"Beware she's bad at this. " veronica said leaning against the counter.

Cheryl threw the ball and it hit the wall before recashading off to the boys head.

"Holy shit. " he gripped his head with his hands before veronica took off running.

"Sorry!" Cheryl said chasing after veronica.

Once she found veronica they got into a fit of laughter. "You threw a damn baseball at his face." Veronica chuckles smacking Cheryl's arm.

"Nuh uh his face hot the ball that's not my fault. "  cheryl defends herself.


Toni walked into a small pizza place just outside of the board walk. It seemed mostly empty besides a girl. She ignored her into she got closer.

"Ariana?" Toni questions the girl who looked up with a smile she had a series of shopping bags beside her.

"Oh Hey toni." Ariana smiles she offers a piece of her pizza. Toni shrugs before sitting on the other side.

"So I'm on tour whatre you doing in joisey." Toni says mimicking a New Jersey accent.

"I'm on a shopping spree because your bitch needs a new pair of red bottoms. " ariana says whipping her hair back as toni took a bite of her pizza.

"Is your receipts looking like phone numbers yet?" Toni jokes. Ariana rolls her eyes.

"Give me back my pizza."

"No." Toni says taking another bite. "How are you and pete?" Toni ask seriously as she wiped her face with a napkin.

"We broke up." Ariana shrugs before taking a sip of her water.

"Were you bored?"

"Get out." Ariana points to the door. Toni

"I'm gucci." Toni says leaning back.

"Well how are you and cheryl?"

"We're great. But we haven't talked in a day or two. I tried calling her but she didn't answer. " toni says frowning.

"And you aren't out partying? Is she a changed woman?" Ariana says with a gasp.

"Shut up grande Butera" toni says shaking her head.

"She will call back maybe she doesn't have her phone. " ariana says, twirling her straw.

"I know. " toni looked at the beach. "You going to shop more or what?"

"I'm actually not I'm getting ice cream." Ariana says before furrowing her eyebrows. "Vegan ice cream."

"You just ate a pizza with cheese?"

"Let me be me toni god." Ariana jokes with a attitude.

"Well my treat since you got me your pizza." Toni offers. Ariana contemplates.

"Okay deal but I get to choose your flavor. "

"Deal. " toni taps her finger tips at the table at the girl who used to  be her bestfriend.

Next chapter is tea

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