chapter 15

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Walking back into her hotel room at 1am she slumps on her couch. After she left ariana she went to hang out at a karaoke bar. Of course not drinking for smart desicion. Meaning she left her fake ID at her hotel.

She opens her phone and immediately checks Twitter. She had a bunch of her phones tweeting her asking 'Is choni over' she had no idea why they would've been asking that so she decided to check her feed. Pictures of veronica and cheryl at a carnival flooded Twitter. Followed by tweets of 'cheronica endgame af'

Toni furrows her eyebrows irratated that cheryl couldn't call her back but could go have a whole night with veronica. Toni wasn't a jealous type. Unless she was given a legitment reason. Not wanting to lose her anger. She calls cheryl once again.

No response.

Checking the time she grabs her wallet. It 1:15 am meaning if she could book a flight and be in la at 6 am. Without further discussion she leaves her hotel room deciding to text Kevin when she was at the airport so he couldn't change her mind.


"Shes not answering. " cheryl says and veronica sends a look to Betty who had walked back with coffee for them since cheryl wasn't thirsty.

"Maybe shes sleeping its 5:56 in the morning. " veronica tries to reason.

"Or maybe shes sleeping with ariana." Betty says sipping her coffee. Both girls shoot glares her way. "What? It's a possibility. " Betty says shrugging off the glares.

Just then the elevator opens and everyone looks to the direction. None other than toni topaz herself was their looking beyond tired. She wore the same outfit they all saw in the picture of her and ariana. Her eyes were puffy like she had been crying.

"Toni what the-" cheryl starts but toni cuts her off.

"Dont you begin to yell at me. I fucking called you and texted you for hours last night. So dont you go and play the fucking victim. " toni said in a shirty tone walking up to cheryl.

"Wow. Well at least I dont go fucking around with my exes. " cheryl test crossing her arms.

Toni chuckles a ironic laugh. "That's right. But you do fuck your bestfriend." Veronica eyes widen an so does cheryl.

"I dont fuck veronica." Cheryl says pain in her eyes. Toni snorts sarcastically.

"I dont fuck your bitch toni damn." Veronica groans.

"But you guys have made out. Last year of course" Betty says casually.

"Betty!" Cheryl says making toni cross her arms obviously pissed off.

"Sorry just making it fair. Love you daddy topaz." Betty points to toni sending a wink.

" actually it was twice." Veronica corrects. Cheryl throws her hands up.

"Veronica you're not helping." Cheryl whines.

"My fault."

"This doesn't involve them. This involves you and me." Toni says not finding any humor in this conversation.

"What do you want me to do? Huh? Beg for your forgiveness. You were the one creeping around New Jersey with your ex." Cheryl says making toni scoff.

"Fuck off cheryl. By the way. Just so it's out in the open. I never creeped around anywhere with ariana. If you would've checked your phone maybe I could've told you." Toni says and cheryl runs her fingets across her temples.

"You know how many times I've stayed up waiting for you to text me back? One night of me being busy and you flip out." Cheryl shakes her head.

"Its not as easy when I'm on tour and your not."

"Look last night was more fun than I had in a long time. More fun than I had with you in a while." Cheryl lies everytime cheryl and toni hung out it was ecstatic for cheryl. She loved spending time with toni. But right now she was pissed off at he girlfriend.

"You're being a bitch." Toni growls angrily.

"Just fuck off toni. I'm done with this conversation." Cheryl says about to turn away.

"If you walk away then you walk away from us. " toni says and cheryl stops turning back to toni.

"If I didn't would you go back to ariana? Oh right you would silly me." Cheryl chuckles before turning back around walking into her room slamming the door.

Toni took one breathe before walking to the door.

"Cheryl I'm not joking you've got to the count of three to come back out or I'm leaving. " toni says on the verge of tears putting on hand on the door.

Cheryl leaned her head on the door grabbing the door handle but bot turning it.

"1." Toni says shakily.

Cheryl doesn't move again to open the door her hand resting on the door knob as a single tear fell.

"2." Toni said softly.

Cheryl retracted her hand and slid down the door with a shaky breath.

"3" toni said as a tear fell down her smooth cheek and she stepped away from the door.

She waited another ten seconds before. Clenching her eyes closed to hold back the tears.

"Toni we weren't together like that-" veronica tries but toni smiles softly at her.

"I know v. Its okay." She says wiping her tears as she walks back to the elevator.


Toni was back at her show in New Jersey just in time. Cheryl had not tried to contact her at all. Fixing her ripped denim jacket she walks on stage as hundreds of fans scream her name.

She sighs before reaching the mic as a man handed her a guitar.

"How you doing tonight new jersey." She says half heartedly as hundreds of girls scream.

"I thought I'd try something new tonight." Toni says and she starts to strum her guitar. "This song goes out to someone. " toni chuckles which basically kills the girls.

"You ready nj ?" She ask and another eruption of screams could he heard.

"This ones called why." Toni says before strumming the chords to her guitar.

" I know a girl, she's like a curse
We want each other, no one will break first
So many nights, trying to find someone new
They don't mean nothing compared to her, and I know"

she sings making almost everyone on the theater scream at her vocals it was a change from her regular grinding and hip hop sound.

"When people ask about us, now, we just brush it off
I don't know why we act like it means nothing at all
I wish that I could tell you that you're all that I want, yeah" toni grabs the mic as her band starts to play amazingly.

"I pretend that I'm not ready
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
And you say hi like you just met me
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?" 

She stops a single tear falling her cheek onto the stage. She takes a deep breathe before closing her eyes.  "Thank you. "

Who's side are yall on?

Btw choni is endgame dont sweat it.

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