chapter 6

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play the song above it goes great with choni in this and in general also the photo hella cute

"we bring food. " toni says walking into the kitchen cheryl close behind. veronica and betty rush into the kitchen with eager smiles. veronica was now in a onzie with cupcakes on it along with betty.

"did you get my hot cheeto's?" veronica ask and toni throws her the bag that made veronica do a dance and hurry back to the stool her and betty was sitting at.

"so what'd you get me? I'll pay you back. " betty said and toni stopped with the same smirk she always had.

"look who is the only damn person in this house with some decency" toni said handing betty the Dorito's she mentioned.

"wait for it. " cheryl said as betty digged in her onesie pocket pulling out multi colored bills.

"here ya go. " betty said with a smirk. she hands the 'money' to toni who furrowed her eye brows at it.

"betty bucks." she read the black marker writing that was written over the monopoly money.

"yup, you're welcome. " betty said before marching out the kitchen.

"she's one of a kind, " veronica said following into the living room.

toni sighed as she looked for the pots. she found one and filled it with water as she turned on the stove top.

"I wanna help. " cheryl said with her arms crossed. toni turns around with an raised eyebrow.

"why thought you hated being around me?" toni said and cheryl only rolled her eyes.

"I dont hate it, I just prefer not to. " cheryl said with a grin.

"oh really? then shouldn't you be with your friends not helping me cook?" toni argued and cheryl ignored her and marched to the spagethii sauce.

"y'know I can it this but I cant eat ketchup or anything else with tomatoes in it. " cheryl said at random and toni rolled her eyes.


once dinner was served and everyone ate, the girls sat down to watch a movie. betty and veronica were on the floor as toni and cheryl sat on the couch. toni decided to change into basketball shorts and a t shirt. the two girls were sharing a fluffy gray blanket.

"i hate these damn scary movies. im gonna be mortified. " cheryl groaned as betty scrolled through the horror section oon netflix.

"stop being a baby. " veronica said hitting cheryl with a pillow.

"yeah bitch. "

"betty shut the fuck up, thats why you can get no dick. "veronica said hitting her with a pillow.

"im gay dumbass. " betty said. toni snorted at how they treated eachother.

"cmon cher i'm right here nothings gonna kill you. " toni said grabbing cheryls hand. cheryl only huffed and intertwined their hands. veronica noticed this and bit her lip as she turned back to the screen.


halfway through the movie betty had to pee and veronica was hungry so they took a five minuet break. toni decided to have a smoke break so she made her way to the porch. she lit one and smoked three drags before cheryl came out and leaned against the railing beside her.

"you always carry drugs with you?" cheryl asked and toni starred at the joint in between her fingers.

"nope, sometimes i smoke it before i get where im going. " toni hummed.

"why?" cheryl asked and toni raised an eyebrow at the girl who was hugging her arms, she was in a tank top and short shorts and was probably freezing at the chiill winter weather, not to freezing since they were in miami.

"because. " toni said vaguely.

"thats not an answer. " cheryl reminds her and toni huffs.

"because it helps me forget, plus when im high i dont give a fuck. and sometimes that's better. " toni answers and cheryl snatches the joint from toni's fingers. she looked at the joint, staring at the white paper and the smoke that was leaving it.

"i have an idea. " cheryl said handing the joint back to toni. toni raised an eyebrow before nodding as for her to continue.

"for every joint you throw away, I'll kiss you. "

"what?" toni said with a curious gaze.

"if you put out the joint and throw it away i'll let you kiss me. " cheryl stated again finding a certain confidence in her words.

"you wouldn't let me," toni said with a curious smile.

"throw it away and i'll show you. " cheryl challenged. toni bit her lip staring at the joint in between her fingers. she looked back at cheryl with a determined look in her eyes. sighing toni threw the joint out onto the road and looked back at cheryl.

"okay, it's gone. " toni said and cheryl took a step closer. toni's hands found their way to cheryls waist pulling her closer. cheryl leaned in but toni hesitated.

"you dont have to kiss-" toni starts but cheryl grabbed her face and crashed their lips together. toni was taken back for a few seconds and their lips didnt move. until toni pulled back a inch and kissed cheryl's top lip with her eyes closed. this felt different then any kiss she had ever had. this had her stomach flipping and her heart racing, and she had only met the red haired girl two weeks ago. she pulled back again and looked at cheryl with a questioning stare. cheryl hands fell to her shoulders and leaned in again. this time their lips moved in sync with each others. the feeling had cheryl's lips tingling, she had always thought toni was attractive, he didnt, but this was a whole new level.

the kissing slows down and toni finally pulls away.

"c'mon lets finish the movie. " cheryl says as if nothing just happened walking back inside.


the movie had ended and all the girls were asleep but toni. cheryl head was resting on her shoulder as she curled into a ball. toni admired her features with a smile. to say she was scared of what she was feeling would be an understatement. it had only been two weeks. thats it. and here she was feeling things it took two years to feel for her ex Ariana. she didnt know what cheryl made her feel but for one thing she knew she loved it.

she kissed the gingers forehead before laying her down. toni was about to go lay down on the other end of the couch but cheryl pulled her back down.

"where the hell are you going?" cheryl rasped in a sleepy voice.

"to sleep. " toni grinned.

"sleep with me. " cheryl yawned.

"already we just kissed damn. " toni joked and cheryl rolled her eyes before tugging on toni's shirt.

"just hold me. " cheryl said and toni sighed before laying down her head resting on the pillow that veronica had thrown at them hours ago. cheryl closed her eyes before laying her head on toni's chest her legs tangling with toni's. toni starts to massage the girls head her fingers running through the red locks. she felt the heart beat of cheryl on her body and her soft breath as well. she could die just like this. she knew she was playing a dangerous game, but right now she didnt care.

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