chapter 11

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"I cant believe you leave in a week." Cheryl said over face time with toni. Toni smiled with tired eyes. She had stayed up later till cheryl got back from signing albums with the girls.

"Itll be okay we still have 7 days with eachother." Toni said with a rasp.

"No we have four days. Your busy tomorrow and the next two days I've got interviews. " cheryl reminds.

"Well look at it this way, I'm all yours for four days. And we can do whatever you want." Toni said obviously tired. It was 3am and she hadn't slept since yesterday for 4 hours.

"baby go to bed." Cheryl sighed an toni went to disagree but a yawn interrupted her.

"Yeah okay. " toni chuckled and cheryl giggled as well.

"Night princess." Toni said before ending the call.


"So your boo is gonna be gone in a week." Betty says as veronica face palms herself.

"Yes my "boo" is going on tour." Cheryl says as they sat around the table signing more autographed albums.

"You can barely spin two days away how are you going to spin 8 months apart. You can barely last an hour without texting her." Betty ask signing a dick on one of the albums passing it to veronica who sighed scribbling it out.

"Well it'll have to work. We are in the same city three times, plus we get about two weeks off during Christmas. " cheryl informs the girls.

"Cheryl you know you have a tradition where we all have pretty Christmas dinner as a group then we go home. Your not gonna have time. " Betty says with a frown.

"Veronica some help?" Cheryl said with a pleading look. Veronica looked up with an easy smile. She grabbed Cheryl's hand and squeezed it.

"Cheryl will figure it out." Veronica said with a simple smile. "Now Betty go get josie and ask her for a new sharpie." Veronica says and Betty puts her hands up in defence before exiting the room to find josie.

"You think your gonna be okay for real though? " veronica ask once Betty left.

"The only long distance realationship I've had was reggie and we broke up after a month. So I'm quite terrified. "  cheryl said honestly.

" you were fifteen cheryl let that go. Plus you and reggie were gonna breakup once you saw his foot fetus Instagram account. " veronica said and cheryl giggled before wrapping her arms around veronica hugging her tight.

"I love you vero." Cheryl said as veronica patter her back.

"Love you too kiddo." Veronica giggled. They pulled apart when the door opened.

"I come with food and flowers." Toni said as she entered the taproom veronica smiled when she saw toni have three flowers and Chinese food.

"I also made a call." Veronica winked as she stood up.

"One for you " toni handed veronica a yellow rose and veronica mouthed a thank you.

"One for you. " she hands Betty a yellow rose as she walked through the door.

"And one for you." Toni booped Cheryl's nose with the red rose before pecking her lips.

" and when did you turn into princess charming." Cheryl smiled as josie walked in with plastic cups and drinks.

"I told her to get her ass down her." Veronica chuckled as she took out the Chinese food.

"And I told her to bring food." Josie said setting down the cups.

Cheryl pulled toni closer by the belt loops of her ripped Jean's. She checked her girlfriend out with a smug look. Toni wore a red superman hoodie, a black snap back,   black hair force ones , and the rim of her boxers were showing as her sweatshirt wore pushed up a little bit.

"You look extra hot today. " cheryl husked as she felt Toni's hands on the back of her thighs.

"You do too babe. " toni grinned leaning in to kiss cheryl but josie honked a blow horn. Toni grabbed her ears as cheryl glared.

"No lesbianizing near my Chinese food." Josie growls as veronica helped Betty put on a bib.

"She keeps a blow horn on her blow job." Veronica informs toni.

"Thanks for the insight hand job." Toni says rubbing her ears.


This chapter has two parts and the second part is bomb asf but I had to get this out...and might I just say the next chapter gets hmmmm smutty?

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