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"hello ladies and gentlemen and the award goes to my favourite 3bhk villa by ali constructions"

when she said ali i looked straight at the screen oh my allah!! those are my designs and when that host said ali in her American accent it sounded 'allie'
how is it possible those are my damn designs i looked at the screen confused

ali constructions? i tried to remember if i ever gave my designs to any such company

i was brought back to present when i saw a man running towards the stage he climbed up to the stage and took the mic and award panting,
and i sat there frozen at my place

what is he doing on the stage representing my designs???!!!!


Amal's pov

what is he doing on the stage representing my designs???!!!!

SAMAD!!! what is he doing on the stage representing my designs???!!!!

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he ran a hand through his hair and brought the mic closer

"ummm.....i am sorry i am late" he chuckled nervously

"this award does not belong to ali constructions...this award does not belong to me either.
Ali constructions which is my fathers company just executed this project."
looking down he exhaled loudly

"the designer of this project is a talented student in 3rd year of bachelor of interior design" he said proudly

"She is a very special person in my life."
he smiled looking at the crowd.

"one day when we were casually sitting discussing this plan she decided to design it just for fun because she was fascinated by the space,
and i on the other hand decided to surprise her by executing her design but sadly she left my life before this day."

"Today i am here on her place to fullfill her dream of winning a design icon award, i remember how she cutted out pictures of this award and sticked them in her journal and i promised her that i will give it to her one day, even though she is happy in her life somewhere in the world but i still owe her this." he said with so much love and affection in his voice

"This award belongs to my best freind,
This award belongs to amal fiza shaikh,
amal... where ever you are this is for you"

and everyone clapped loudly some people stood up while i sat there tears flooding from my eyes i smiled while sobbing i started clapping loudly

i stood up and took a step forward my whole world slowed down i looked at him and my heart swelled with love and affection for the man on the stage.
he cared...he remembered my every dream, my every wish,
even though i am not in his life he is there fulfilling my dreams i felt tears of happiness flooding from my eyes.

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