i am loving this no title thing

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Amals pov

"hii kitten"

his voice sent a wave of shudder in my body,

i didnt even blink,
everybody looked at me, but they weren't too shocked,
everybody was aware who it could be

my throat contracted,
"I know you are too shocked to talk so shut that useless mouth and listen carefully, your cute little fuck toy Is with me and as much as I am enjoying to torture to him, I would stop it if you come to me, now as always you dont have an option, so crawl out of your hiding hole and wait for my men at the Brooklyn bridge, without cell phone or anyother thing, and dont you dare try to act smart, I am always one step ahead of you"

"and yeah, four hours, I want you infront of me in four hours, or my guest start to loose some fingers here" he said and I heard a scream which made me scream in horror as the phone fell from my hands and I fell on my knees,

everyone rushed towards me,

"what did he say?" they asked,

I looked around at everybody

"he...he...taha" i broke into hysterical sobs as taha's scream rang in my ears

samad hugged me

"shh it's okay, it's okay, we'll save him" he patted my head as i bawled

dominic stood up

"okay we have to act fast"

"In taha's absence all of you will be taking orders from me as I am the second in command and sidra will be my second in command for the time being, any problem? he asked as he hooked his thumbs in his belt,

"AMAL, you are a member of this gang first, as a leader I order you to pull yourself together and brace yourself for whatever comes in your way" he said and I stood up trying to control my tears,

"I SAID SHUT UP" Dominic's voice boomed in the hall and I flinched

I took a deep breathe and chanted the one rule of our gang

duty comes first

"sorry boss" I said in a firm tone and samad looked at me amazed that how quickly I changed my demeanor.

dominic gave me a approving nod and continued

"so here's the deal, he is a mafia too, he knows all our tactics, we cant put a tracker on you, and he knows very well that we will follow amal as soon as she sits in their car, so what we will do is, we will follow the car but in two groups the one will be the group that he is expecting and second will be the one that will follow both arham and us, am I clear?" he asked

"YES BOSS" everyone said

"I'll also come" samad said and I turned my head to refuse him,

"okay" dominic said

"but dominic...." but he stared at me with cold eyes

yes we are freinds but when we are working there are boundaries,

"but boss..." I corrected myself but dominic interrupted me

"you want to question my decision?" he asked raising his eyebrow, challenging me.

I sighed in frustration

"no boss" I mumbled

"damn he his strict" samad whispered leaning closer to me

and I groaned

"agh don't ask, when he is in his professional personality he is a pain in the ass, taha was very easy on me, even during missions, but this fucking bulldozer I hate him during missions" I said and made a mental note to kick his ass as soon as we are done with this mission and we are back to being freinds.

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