no freedom, nor the death

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Fatema's pov

i walked towards arhams mansion with cupcakes in my hand
my little pumpkin was so happy yesterday i thought why not make her some cupcakes

as i entered the gate i greeted the watchmen
"good morning son"

"good morning mrs fatema"
i gave him a cupcake and walked towards the main door smiling

"umm...i dont think you should go inside today"

i turned and looked at him questioningly
he hesitated at first then said

" arham...was quite angry yesterday"

"why? what happened? what makes you say that?" i asked surprised

"yesterday when sir and mam came back, sir dragged madam in the house by her hair he was so angry he didnt even close the car doors and then few minutes later i could hear ma'am yelling and it got louder with time and then it was completely silent then around half hour later sir drove out and came back drunk"

i looked at him panicked what did he do to my amal i walked fastly towards the door
i stopped and slowly opened the door,
i may not be ready for whatever is behind this door.
i opened the door and stood there shocked arham was sleeping on the couch wasted,
alcohol bottle lying near the sofa, the show peices on the coffee table lied broken on the floor.

i walked further and i saw amals broken bangles peices on the floor i went upstairs and her one heel was there as i walked further up there was another.
as i entered the bedroom all of the stuff from dressing table was on the floor, amals clothes were on the floor shredded into peices i looked around for amal then a blood stain at the floor caught my eyes eye,
i walked further i gasped keeping my hand on my mouth

"amal!!!" i stood there frozen
there she was...naked, bruised tied to the leg of the bed,

i saw her bruises,
a pool of blood around her private part,
a blue patch on stomach and blood stained finger marks,
blue patch on shoulder,
cheeks were red and blue,
corner of the lip bleeding,
forehead bleeding,
i saw her neck and blue mark around it,
i threw my purse at tge floor instsntly went near her and checked her breathing i sighed in relieve, she is alive i thought he strangled her to death.

i let tears fall through my eyes oh such a small innocent girl what he do to her
untying her hands i ran downstairs

"arham...arham" i shook him

"whaattt" he whined sleepily

"we need to take her to hospital she will die... get up arham she will die"

"let her die" he said sleepily his mouth reeking of alcohol

"arham wake up or else I'll call the police"

he sat up straight and chuckled
"go call the police then you will never see your grand daughters face or worse your daughter in law will become a widow so soon...its just few years to her marriage i guess...poor woman"

i looked ar him shocked
who is he? he is not the same person i met three years ago

"go cover her up I'll call the doctor" he said
i went upstairs dressed her in arhams loose tshirt so that it will be easy for doctor to examine her

i ran downstairs
"you need to pick her and place her on the bed"

he sighed and walked upstairs

Arhams pov

i placed her on the bed she really was pretty damaged but i dont feel bad she deserved this i explained her so many times to not do anything i dont approve of, then how did she dare look at that basta*rd the whole time that too with so much love thinking of how she smiled and clapped i felt like breaking her those very hands i looked at her angrily i might kill her if i stay here one more second, i called my private doctor so that there wont be any police problem and asked him to bring a lady nurse or something to examine her, and went to shower when i got out of the shower fatema bee told doctor ahmed was waiting downstairs,
i walked downstairs and there was a female doctor with him i brought doctor ahmed to the side and asked him

"well...i damaged her a little lot will this doctor keep quiet"

"yea dont worry she works with me" he replied

"cool..ask her to go check amal"

after a while the lady doctor came down
"her injuries seem pretty deep and serious we need to take her to the hospital and run some tests"

"if i could afford to be in the police records why will i call you to check" i said rolling my eyes

"dont worry ours is private hospital we will rum some tests and scans and bring her back here it'll take hour or two" dr Ahmed said

"okay lets go"
going into the bedroom i picked her up bridal style and walked downstairs and placed on the backseat of the car

few hours later..

the lady doctor whose name is rebecca came out
she glared at me, dr ahmed came out after her and asked me in a alarmed voice

"what did you to her almost killed her!!"

"and what the hell did you do to her down there"
rebecca asked furiously

"she is totally ripped and damaged down there for you kind information you cant even touch her there for atleast two weeks" she added

"yeah arham what did you do to her there we need to know to protect her from any infection"

" do i explain" i said awkwardly

"just tell us directly we are doctors"

"so i needed to punish her..."

"arham just say it"

"my fist"i said quickly
both of them looked at me with wide eyes shocked faces
"a whole damn fist??!!" rebecca asked furiously in a loud voice

i nodded
she stormed off angirly

dr ahmed looked at me shocked and said "you have turned into a monster arham"

i rolled my eyes "you dont even know what she did"

he looked at me with raised eyebrows after staring at me for few seconds he folded his hands on his chests and said

"to brief you about her injuries" he paused and looked at me angrily pursing his lips

"she is ripped up down there"

"she cant eat any thing solid for weeks since it seems you either punched her or kicked her stomach really hard so even if she takes fluids she will throw up a lot"

"she cant chew since you slapped her or probably punched her like crazy, her jaw is swollen and cherry on the cake that will also take weeks to heal" he snapped

"she cant move her right hand because you kicked her on the shoulder its not broken but its pretty much damaged" he said in a loud voice

"we gave her stitches on the forehead,
and since she cant cope up with so much pain we will have to keep her under anaesthetist drugs for 8 to 10 days" he said all of this in one breath

"when she wakes up she will be begging you to divorce her" he said leaning closer towards me
"do me a favour do it...either divorce her or kill her, what you are doing to her is much worse than death" with that he stormed off

divorce her my foot
i wont even kill her
she will have to live with me
she is not getting anything...
naa azadi, naa maut, sirf arham or bas arham
(not the freedom, nor the death, only arham and just arham)

its a short chapter but i am having a writers block i guess
xo neelam

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