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Writers pov

(I know I insert too many songs in my chapters but when I write a chapter a song keeps repeating in my head then I just cant help but put it here so that you guys can relate too, I am sorry but it's my guilty pleasure)

both amal and samad were staring at each other in disbelief,

dominic was confused, even though samad stopped struggling, dom was still holding samad onto the ground by twisting his hands behind his back.

dominic couldnt see samad's face but he could see Amal and he had never seen her face expression in so much shock and disbelief.

the living room was so quiet that they could hear each other breaths,

the only light comimg into the room was from the staircase,

amal took slow steps towards samad and sat on her knees,

she looked like she was hypnotised,

she placed her hand on samad's cheek giving it a feather touch.

she could feel his skin texture, his beard on her hands that were now rough and calloused from all the training and fighting.

in no time dominic realised who this person was, and his heart clenched in unease as taha's thought crossed his mind.

even though dominic left samad and stepped aside samad stayed still and looked at amal mesmerised.

the hand that was on samad's cheek now travelled down towards his heart,

amal heard his heartbeat and a single tear escaped from her eye,

she felt like her soul that was dead just sprung up to life.

samad sat up and took amals hand in his both hands and felt the warmth.

he couldnt believe that allah answered his prayer,
he couldnt believe that his heart was no longer engulfed in that heart wrenching pain,

he was sobbing in joy,

"amal" he whispered sobbing and that was when amal started crying with him

"samad" his name escaped from her lips rather loudly and they both engulfed each other in a hug,

"amal you are alive, ya allah tera shukar" samad sobbed

amal was just speechless she had so many things to say that her brain just trafficked due to it.

dominic just stood there quietly observing the love they had for each other, the kind of love he never saw, they kind of love he only read about in ancient love stories.

the thought of his best freind losing his love once again made him feel a peircing pain In his heart.

"h....how how are you?...I mean" dominic watched as he saw amal unable to form a proper sentence.

"ahmed bhai saved me, I was in coma" samad answered

"I saw your grave, your sister thinks you are dead, the whole world thinks you are dead" samad recalled all of the trauma he went through after hearing that she was dead.

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