ashamed and guilty

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two chapters in a day,
last chapter was short so I felt bad,
so here you go another chapter for you guys

Amals pov

"taha...." I stood up from the sofa and looked towards my left to see a confused samad who was looking at taha and dominic.

I turned my head to the right and taha was standing with a expressionless face.

samad stood up from his seat

"who are they?"

"umm this is dominic and this is taha" I introduced them to samad with a sense of guilt

I cheated on taha,
shame on me,

my heart broke everytime I looked at samad,

and my heart filled with guilt everytime I looked at taha.

"was the mission successful?" I asked taha as the lack of emotion in his eyes made me uneasy and scared.

"it was....I came here to surprise you but I was the one who got surprised" taha replied with a mocking undertone in his words

"what's going on will anyone explain me?" samad asked and before I could say anything, fortunatelyhis phone rang,

he picked up the call

"yes abbu I am fine, yeah yeah I'll be home soon"

I took a deep breath,
"samad sit, I'll tell you everything"

we all sat down and I told samad everything except that I got engaged to taha,

"thank you so much for saving her life and saving her from that bastard" samad thanked taha,

taha stayed silent

"amal let's go meet abbu, you guys also join us please, my father would be pleased to meet you" samad stood up and grabbed my wrist,

taha's eyes shot towards my wrist and i gently freed my hand from samad's hold.

i looked at taha as my eyes started to sting with the freshly formed tears,

my heart felt so heavy,
the same suffocating feeling was back.

we all drove to samad's house,
ali uncle was back from his business trip and he was shocked and happy to see me,

he kept thanking taha,
he insisted that we spent the night at his place and I agreed.

we all retired to our rooms,
I was restless,
I was ashamed,
I was angry,
I was sad,
I was guilty,

what will taha think?
he will think I am such a whore!

what do I do?

I don't want to marry taha,

I got a second chance,
I got samad back,
I want to be with him,
but what about the promise I gave to taha?
how can I leave him after I promised to be with him?
how do I leave him alone just like ayat did?

I cried silently as my heart ached at the thought of abandoning taha,
and my heart ached at the thought of letting go samad, just after I got him back.

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