still no title so what? its my book😒😒

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this chapter contains arhams tortures and its dark so if you guys dont want to read it or it triggers you dont read it, it wont affect the storyline if you skip it

Writers pov

Its hard to believe but he wasnt scared,

he waited for his torture to begin,

Luca watched him through the two way mirror,
he was amazed that once a innocent a guy who came from india, worked for his father, worked day and night to win the woman of his dreams has now turned into a monster,

Arham fell into the dark pit of obsession and ego so deep that there was just no bringing him back,

he ruined so many lives that there is no light at the end of the tunnel for him,

the monstrosity he did even god wont forgive him, then how come we humans can?

Luca remembered the first day he met arham,

a guy dressed in a shirt bought from a clearance sale in some mall, some cheap quality tie, no sense of style whatsoever, eager to be in the good books of his boss to keep his job and be successful,

he looked at him how wearing a suit worth of thousands of dollars, his hair styled by some celebrity hairdresser,

even in captivity he was carrying so much arrogance and dominance,

Luca remembered how his father chose arham since he refused to get involved in mafia business, how he found his fathers empty head as arham ripped his eyes out, then beheaded him then emptied his skull and sent it to luca,

Luca knew he was walking on the same path that his father walked on and arham walked on, he knew he'll have the same fate as them someday, but he didnt care, he lost his mother, his wife, his children, because he was the son of Italian mafia, he always kept himself away from this life yet he kept on losing everyone he loved, after the death of his wife and kids he found some peace by being with his old father, then one day he lost him too, he lost everything, he didnt had anything to lose now.

Arham knew he was going to die,
he knew his death will be slow and painfull,
he was prepared,
the only regret he had was he couldnt kill every person amal loved.


"Strip him" luca ordered and his men stripped arham,

arham struggled,
he didnt expect this,
he wasnt prepared for this!

they hanged him upside down and without any further word luca started whipping him,

something digged in his skin and teared it as it came out,

arham screamed in pain, as luca kept on lashing him with whip that had spikes on it.

soon blood was dripping on the floor,

arham slipped in and out of consciousness,

when he was finally up, he was not hanging anymore but he was still naked,

"GIVE ME MY CLOTHES!" arham screamed and instantly his memory rolled back to the past


"please give me something to wear it gets really cold here at night I beg you" amal joined her hands and begged, since she was naked from past three days in the cold and dark room

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