guilts and tortures

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Amal's pov

grabbing a bucket full of ice and water I  walked towards eric

my whole skin was tingling to beat the crap out of him

to torture him

to make him feel the pain I felt for almost two years

his head was dangling and he was looking at the floor, still under the affect of anaesthesia

I threw the bucket full of ice and water on him, the ice cubes hitting him hard,

he gasped and looked around, his eyes stopping at me wide and in disbelief

"yes you d*ckhead you arent hallucinating"

"werent....*cough* you dead? I myself carried your dead body, how is this possible?"

I smirked

"you wanted to know who was helping me right? it was taha, your biggest enemy" I ignored his questions and said what I wanted to say,

"you are in his captivity right now, and you have nooooooo, idea what I am gonna do with you, you are gonna pay for helping that bastard, you are equally responsible for all my sufferings"

If we could see fear in physical form it would look like what eric looks right now,

I grabbed a chair and sat on it,

"now listen carefully, you have two options, you either tell us every single secret of arham you know, or we can take it out of you slowly and painfully"

"so you were creating havoc in boss's life from the past year?" he asked

i swinged the empty bucket and hit him hard with with,

his mouth started bleeding,

"you dont get to question, just answer you d*ckhead"

he groaned and spat some blood out,

"a..arham will kill me if I tell you anything"

"I am gonna kill you if you dont"

"let's have fun shall we?" taha walked inside the room with a picana in his hands,

(The picana is a wand or prod that delivers a high voltage but low current electric shock to a torture victim. It has a bronze tip and an insulated handle, and is connected by wire to a control box with a rheostat to raise or reduce the voltage. Power is supplied by a car battery or by a transformer connected to a mains wall socket)

Eric knew this device very well

"you know what it's not very appealing to me, let's spice this up a little more" I looked at taha pouting my lips,

our cynical and calm behaviour freaked the hell out of Eric,

he is well aware of the tortures mafia inflicts on their enemies, he has done it countless times and he can feel the pain without even experiencing it,

taha walked back in with bucket full of water

"well it looks fun now" I grinned looking at him

doing a fist bump we walked towards eric slowly and dramatically scaring the living shit out of him

stuffing his mouth with a cloth I sat back on my seat

"and action!!!" I ordered taha dramatically

taha gave eric the first shock and his body shaked like a fish in a fisherman's net,

after he calmed down I threw a jug full of water on him and taha gave him another shock

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