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"now tell me do you want sebastian to go inside your house pretending to be a theif shoot your fathers legs so that he will be handicapped for the whole life?"

i looked at him wide eyed my whole body shaking with fear

gripping my hair tightly he said "tell me do you want that?"

i nodded in a no
"then you will stay here with me and live as i want..okay?"

i nodded
"now what did i teach you long time ago"

"to answer you" i said my voice barely coming out

"SO ANSWER!!" he yelled loudly
i flinched

"I'll live here as you want me to" i said in a whisper

he called sebastian and told him to leave
i sighed in relieve

placing the phone on the table he suddenly grabbed my neck tighly

"now its time to punish you for misbehaving since soooooo....many days"


Amal's pov

"now its time to punish you for misbehaving since soooooo....many days" he said with rage in his eyes

i started breathing heavily
"wha..what punishment?" i said my voice barely coming out

he smirked and left my neck i instantly stood up and took few steps back

"remember how you called me a bastard, how you shouted at me,
how you disobeyed me,
now... we need to teach you a lesson dont we?"

he said walking towards me slowly,
rolling the sleeves of his shirt,
seeing the expression on his face i started seeing flashes of what he did to me that night

i turned around and ran inside the house,

i dont care if i am a coward and i am running from him and showing him that i am weak i cant go through all that pain again

i ran towards the staircase before i could climb the first step he grabbed me by my hairs and pulled me back towards him

"where will you run ha?"

i looked at him pleadingly trying to free my self
"please leave me arham i...i wont do it again i was angry at that time"

"Angry?" he said leaning closer to me

"who told you that you have the right to be angry?" he asked gritting his teeth

i started sobbing
"please dont make me go through all of that again please give me a chance arham i wont do anything that you dont say me to"

he left my hair and took a step back
i waited for him to say something but he didnt he just kept staring at me

"arham...*slap* i couldnt finish what i was saying,
keeping my hand on my cheek i looked at him shaking with fear

holding my face in his hands he said
"you know i really thought to forgive you this time but then i remembered how you called me a bastard"

with that he threw me on the floor

"but...you call me a who*e almost everyday,
i was angry arham i was unconscious for 10 days!!" i tried to explain him sobbing

"i can call you whatever i want i OWN you..."

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