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Samad's pov

I looked outside the window pressing my knuckles on my lips
my mind clouded with various thoughts


"abbu this is samad...he is my best freind from today" six year old Amal introduced me to her abbu as if she was announcing that she won a award and was boasting about it while I played with the belt of my tiny backpack

"oh so you are best freinds now?" he asked and the little me nodded innocently

"mummaaa...come here meet my best freind" yelled Amal

"oh this is what mumma looks like" little me said looking at anjum aunty coming In my view with two chocolate bars in her hand

she handed me one

"what does your mumma looks like?" she asked pinching my cheek

"I dont have a mumma" the little me answered innocently not knowing what those words meant to adults

her expression changed instantly...

she looked at me for few moments 8 year old samad did not understand that but now I know very well she felt my loneliness without even me telling it to her

she hugged me
"have lunch at our house from now on okay I'll inform your father you will stay with us everyday after school and then your father will pick you up while going home"

"really I will stay with Amal?" little me asked excitement shining in the eyes

"yes" she answered smiling
and I jumped in her arms hugging her with all the strength I had in me


I sighed heavily resting my head on the back of the recliner looking at the ceiling
I closed my eyes
and a tear slipped from my eye travelling down my temple
"bin kahe chale gaye...mujhe pata b nahi chala mai akhri deedar bhi nahi kar saka"
(you left without saying anything...I didnt get to know anything....I didnt even got to see you for the last time)

I dont believe that Amal was sick that's why she didnt came I know there is a bigger picture here I know arham has some involvement in this...
I will make sure to unveil the truth

the journey was long and painfull because I had absolutely nothing else to do but mourn for the death of two people who never let me feel lonely in my childhood and for the loss that the woman I loved suffered
she lost a child, then her parents and then she is possibly in a problem that she is not ready to talk about or may be she cant

with all the thoughts in my head I finally landed in New York

I walked out of the jet....
cold and heavy wind slapped my face slipping on my sunglasses and bringing my coat closer to my chest I proceeded towards the car that was waiting for me

the chauffer opened the door for me keeping my duffle bag at the backseat I closed the door
"thank you for your service but I'll drive you can go home...keys?"
he gave me the keys and i sped off towards the house that has too many secrets for its own good

I was stopped at the gate by two guards
"tell your boss samad Ali is here" I told him tightening my hold on the steering wheel anger boiling inside me

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