back in the game (not detailed)

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Hey guys a little peice of advice detailed chapter is way way better than this one cuz detailed one really takes you through amals emotions and feelings and makes you understand why will she be doing what she Is thinking of doing, just my advice as a writer, rest is all upto you

or ha dont forget to vote and comment

Arhams pov

I kept glancing at her she sat there still looking behind as if that bastard was still lying there.

I controlled my urge to slap her

you slut, wait till we get home

the image of her hugging that bastard and crying her eyes out kept flashing infront of my eyes again and again

I clenched my jaw and looked outside the window,
soon we reached to the helipad,

I stepped out went on to her side grabbed her by her arm and started dragging her towards the chopper,since the stupid bitch was still in shock and was still looking behind as if we still were there.

we sat in the chopper and oh thank god she stopped looking behind other wise I felt I should push her out in the sky.

as soon as we reached home I unleashed the beast that was struggling to get out and rip her into peices.

and yeah I have a helipad in my home

I grabbed her hair and started dragging her inside the home.

as soon as we stepped in i wasted no second and slapped her over and over again when she fell down I made her stand up and slapped her again I repeated it till her lip was teared to a point where it needed to be stitched.

what frustrated me was she didnt make a single sound not even a grunt or a whimper,

I want to hear her screams,

I slapped her one more time and left her,
she fell on the floor like a rag doll

but she still was in a daze,

I dont like this I want her to scream and beg,

i was so angry I was shaking,
I grabbed her hair and started dragging her into the living room.

and the sight that she saw made her scream
i closed my eyes and sighed in satisfaction,
her fearful screams were music to my ears, my addiction, my peace.

"look at her amal you killed her" I whispered In her ear while she stood there crying miserably.

yes that's what I like to hear when I punish my property

I left her hair and she ran just like a dog runs as soon as its unleashed.

I chuckled at my thought

she ran towards the dead body and fell on her knees shaking the dead body furiously.

"please, please, please, please" she kept whispering frantically while performing a CPR

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked casually towards her

"it's no use I killed her 7 hours ago she is long gone" I said lightly kicking the leg of the dead body

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