he really is mafia!!

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Amals pov

its been two days and i dont see a way out of this hell hole because my beloved psycho husband has appointed security guards every where.
Its like where ever i turn i see a tall, well built man with a gun and cold emotionless face staring at nowhere.
There are guards at every possible way of escape even in backyard and right below our bedroom balcony and to take it to next level there are two lady guards outside my bedroom door who follow me around EVEN INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!.

I was sitting on the living room sofa thinking of someway to run away, i was so bored i didnt even had cellphone and arham ordered the guards to not let me use house phone as i was thinking fatema bee came with a tray of food.
"eat something you havent eaten anything since yesterday you need to take medicines amal"

i sat there pretending as if she wasnt even there i am still not talking to her
"please eat"

"go away fatema bee" i said in a cold voice flipping the channels on TV furiously,
she kept the tray infront of me and sat down on the sofa she brought the spoon closer to my mouth and i snapped my face away
"please dont act as if you care please go"

"i do care" and that made me angry
i picked up the tray and threw it away with full force

fatema bee flinched
but i dont care at this point i have had enough of all of this
"I DONT WANT TO EAT!!!" i yelled

i turned around to look at arham standing at the main door with broken crockery near his feet and soup splattered on his shoes.
he glared at me,
i looked at him with no emotions and went straight to my bedroom and as usual this two bulldozers following me i rolled my eyes mentally

i sat on my bed and tried to control my fear
he will kill me if i keep doing this yelling and cursing thing

no amal dont let him see that you are scared

i quickly got under the blanket and pretended to sleep
i felt the bedroom door open
he came and sat on the bed near me
"amal get up you need to eat you are healed externally but you lost lots of blood you are weak"

"go away you psycho" i said from under the blanket

there was no reply from him... a minute later he snatched the blanket and threw it at the floor

he got on top of me and i struggled
"get off me!!!"

"i dont want to" he said nuzzling my neck

"GET OFFFF!!!" i yelled

he got up and pulling me by my hand he made me sit too

i twisted my wrist in his hold
"LEAVE . ME" i said gritting my teeth trying to free my hand

"fatema bee" he called fatema bee she came in with food in her hand she kept it near us and went away,
"come on eat or else i know how to feed you"

"no i wont, i will either run away from here or die here" i said shaking my hand furiously to free it

"well....neither of it is gonna happen" he said
and in one swift movement he was sitting there on top of me strangling my legs and with one hand holding my both hands above my head
i looked at him shocked he brought the spoon closer to my lips

"now like a good girl finish this soup or if you still dont want to finish it i can throw away the spoon and feed you with my mouth"

i wiggled under his weight
"ughh move leave me"

"okay as you wish" he shrugged and ate the soup and brought his lips closer to mine
"NO...NO...NO..WAIT I'LL FINISH IT BY MYSELF" i yelled immediately

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