the last thread

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Days passed the last thread of life that was tied with a little dying hope broke in her,

she surrendered to her situations letting them break her even though she tried hard to kill her soul..... because of arham she couldnt,

but the loss the tiny soul that was yet to even become a reality broke her she lost, she lost her will to survive,
to be happy,
to be free and to live the life she had.

but the loss the tiny soul that was yet to even become a reality broke her she lost, she lost her will to survive, to be happy, to be free and to live the life she had

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10 days later....

Arhams pov

"Amal!!!" I called her
she walked towards me her eyes cast on the floor.

"is the dinner ready?"

"yes" she answered

"okay then go back to where you are supposed to be" I ordered her

nodding she limped towards the black room


"you better give me a baby amal or I'll make you go through hell" I told her while she laid there lifelessly

after I was done I threw her at the floor and she winced in pain

"you will be punished every day until you give me the news that my baby is get lost"

she laid there her palms flat on the floor balancing her weight, her hairs covering her face but she was sobbing silently

she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked up to me meeting my eyes
"I am not responsible for the loss of my baby!!"

"shut up..." before I could say more she interrupted me

"shut up or what??'ll kill me too?" she asked me without any emotions...dead she looked dead

"do it I have no will to live with a monster like you" she spat the words with disgust anger surfacing in her blank dead eyes

"amal!!...I am controlling myself a lot if ahmed did not interrupted you would have landed back to that hospital"

"I know....I know everything!!! are a crazy psychopath" she yelled

and i lost it i stormed towards her and pulled her up by her arm while she just stared at me the fear that I am used to see in her eyes long gone

"lower your eyes" I warned her in a low voice tightening my grip on her hand

"or what?....kill me? it I dont wish to spend my life in this cage..."

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