Chapter 1: Different

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(Y/N): Your Name

(N/N): Nickname

(H/C): Hair Color

(E/C): Eye Color

(F/C): Favorite Color



Pulling your hood down low, you stalked along the sunny streets of your hometown.

At first glance, (Y/N) was your everyday human, pretty normal. (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, (F/C) hoodie on almost all the time. But look again. If you get close, you can hear them humming under their breath a tune that always shifts. Actually gather the courage talk to them, and you might find a friend.

A very violent friend.

You chuckled to yourself at the thought. That was what set you apart from your 'everyday human.' You were always outgoing, bold, taking the 'scenic route' painted with a few splats of blood and sprinkled with adventure. To keep up the assertive personality, you fully insisted that everyone that didn't want to get sliced into little tiny pieces call you (N/N).

Looking down at your new watch that you won from a fight, your (E/C) eyes widened at the time. Boy, did time know how to speed when you weren't looking!

You changed your pace from a walk to a jog, watching the trees go by. You had to get to the school! The concrete slammed against your sneakers as you ran, amazed by how you never bumped into anyone.

Finally, out of breath, you arrived at the extravagant building. It was huge, and most civilian children learned their basics in those brick walls. Opening the double doors, you breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no disappointed goat teacher waiting there, tapping his furry foot on the ground.

Taking the first hallway on the left, you were only thinking about food. Ever since monsters had been released and began a new era of monster/humankind, there were a bunch of new things. Including foods.

How you didn't know of butterscotch pie before then, you never knew...

"(N/N)?" Came a deep voice from the end of the hallway, which was a few feet ahead of you. Snapping out of your pie-filled thoughts, you tilted your head up to make eye contact with your favorite teacher. Well, former favorite. You were in a different grade now. That didn't mean you didn't miss him, thought.

Smiling, you said, "Hey, Mr. Asgore. How was class today?"

The former king grinned back. "We made pictures from the history of monsterkind. The kids loved it! I knew it was a good idea!" Mr. Asgore taught Monster History and Politics, a unique class for kids with lots of free time or lots of curiosity.

You nodded along with the rest of his conversation, your mind drifting off again to butterscotch pie and spider cider. That was, until he brought up the main point. "Oh, and (N/N)? Chara's waiting for you at Papyrus' house. You may want to hurry—"

You were out of the doors again in two seconds.

Mr. Asgore chuckled. (N/N) had always reminded him of one of his other children, one that had always been quite eccentric and happy like you. With a sigh, the old monster turned to gather his things. There was no use just drinking water now. The day was over, and he was tired.

Meanwhile, you were dashing down the streets at top speed when suddenly, you rammed head-first into a stranger.

"Watch where you're going, you little freak," the guy (apparently) spat, venom laced in his voice. You looked up, unafraid. The man had a yellow T-shirt, jeans, and ruffled hair. Yeah, you've had tougher.

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now