Chapter 11: Dark Magic

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Finally time to put those spells to use, mm?

(Also the story's qualified for Watty's 2019?? What???)


Over the course of the next few days, you learned some interesting things. There was a new mission arising, and it was to—get this—Recoverytale. Now, you had long since found out that your original universe was Recoveryswap; days after you arrived Nightmare had shown you the 'Multiverse Room.'

Speaking of Nightmare, something strange was happening. His eye seemed to be a little less blue and a bit more... indigo? And the more you talked with him, spent time with him, the more you would see the violet buttercups scattered around the castle. On tables, on your bed, on your desk... but only in your solitary presence, for a strange reason. Like they didn't want to be seen by anyone but you. However, you soon denied them that wish.

You had brought them up once, telling Nightmare how cute it was that he was making little purple flowers around the Castle. He had immediately blanched (or at least, his face flushed slightly) and told you to immediately pluck out any other buttercups you saw.  Of course, you never touched a buttercup—well, at least not to pick it. Sometimes you'd stroke it, liking how something could actually grow in this hell. It reminded you of home.

But there was no time to think about that now.

"So yeah," Dust shrugged, chuckling a little. "Recoverytale is a different version of your universe. The original, actually."

At this point, you had heard everything. "OK, OK," you said, massaging your temples, a headache beginning to burn. "So there's another me, another Chara, another Asgore, another everyone—just different? Like, I wouldn't like... this stuff?"

Dust narrowed his eyes for a moment before answering, "Yup. Probably. Other (N/N) would most likely hate violence—" you decided to ignore the slight wince in his voice when he said hate. "—And they would probably be more pacifist than pacifist can be."

Your brow furrowed and you made a face. Stars, I must be such a pussy in that other world. Dust pushed the door to the throne room open wide, a huge smile on his face. "We're heeeeeereee," he sang, sliding into the room. Error rolled his eyes while Horror narrowed his own.

"Well then," Nightmare declared with a clap of his hands. "We have a plan to execute. And if it doesn't come out almost perfectly, our existence is doomed."

Well. Someone was in a wonderful mood.

"Aaaaand exactly what is this brilliant plan?" You drawled, (E/C) eyes slightly glazed. Error sent another cold glare your way, but it was laced slightly with concern. No one ever sassed Nightmare. Never. Unless, of course, you wanted to die.

To everyone's surprise (and slight irritation), Nightmare simply answered with a smirk playing around his mouth, "We go into Recoverytale, mutilate a few buildings, take a few people out, then hide the coding from the Star Sanses. Simple enough."

Standing, Nightmare gestured for everyone to come with him. "We need the whole team today," he snarled, hate lacing his layer voice. "I have an incredibly strong feeling my brother's going to be there. And when there's one idiot, there's bound to be more."

He turned to you as the other Sanses entered the Bridge, a faint brush of concern crossing his face. "Are you sure you feel up to this? It's going to be hard, since those foolish 'guardians' will put up a fight. You mig—"

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now