Chapter 12: Breaking Through

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Hm! So they actually did it! They submitted it! Woohoo! Can we have our party now?

Oh please. It wasn't that hard. Just typed up a summery and went.

Thanks to all readers for reading! None of this would be possible without you lovely, wonderful, inspirational, passionate—

Shut up. They get the idea.

If everyone continues this bickering, they might write this into their story. Aaaand I have a feeling they are writing it into the story right now.

They are.



You were drifting through the sea.

No, wait. Not through the sea. You were on top of the sea. You were just... floating there. It was nice, just being on the sea.

You didn't open your eyes, but you imagined the sky being a lovely sunset haze. A beautiful ombré fusion of reds, golds, and oranges, with the occasional cloud dappling in.

As you floated there, you imagined creatures of the sea that Mr. Asgore would always tell you about: sea turtles, whales, schools of brightly colored fish...

Smiling, you opened your eyes. Then blinked. Once. Twice. Then closed them again. Open.

The sky was a murky black, like it had been polluted heavily. There were no clouds, no ombré surprises, and no matter how hard you tried it wouldn't change.

But this is my dream, you thought angrily. I'm supposed to do anything I want! For a few moments you just floated, pouting. A wave lapped against your side, and you turned to glare at it. You stopped when you saw the sea.

That is, if you could even call it a 'sea' anymore. It was as dark as the sky, if not darker. The darkness was cold and unforgiving, and had a texture kind of like a firm slime. It rippled violently, as if there was something underneath trying to surface.

In fact, it seemed as if the ripples were leading from somewhere.

The thought terrified you, yet curiosity drowned out common sense. I mean, it was only a dream after all. Quickly standing, you tried to run and follow it. Time to play Jesus and walk on water, you imagined, and if the situation hadn't been so... scary, you would have laughed.

The ripples grew more close together and violent the further you ran, and you knew you were going in the right direction. They grew closer and closer... You finally stumbled upon the place where the ripples began. With a silent 'yay,' you held your breath and dove into the darkness.

Immediately, you surfaced. The aching in your chest had begun again as soon as you had gone under, and it was cold as hell. Gasping for air, pain spread—and then it was gone.

Your soul gave a weak pulse, and you were filled with the sudden desire to dive. There was something down there, and you were sure as hell going to find it.

"Take two," you muttered, taking a deep breath. And down, down, down you went. The liquid didn't even feel wet—just colder than anything you've ever felt before. The chilly water-but-not-water pricked at your skin, only getting sharper as you swam deeper. The cold throbbing in your chest intensified as the pressure grew and grew, nearly sending you back up for air.

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now