Chapter 13: Repression

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The king of negativity, the monster under your bed, the demon that was afraid of nothing—awoke in a cold sweat. He had had a dream—no, a nightmare—and it hadn't been pleasant at all.

His tendrils thrashed and whipped through the thick air soundlessly, corresponding with his rapid-fire thoughts. Where am I? What's happening? How did I get here? Where's—

Nightmare sighed and massaged his temples. "It's too early for this," he muttered to no one. Standing from the side of his bed, he was surprised to feel pain radiate from his chest outwards. Stumbling back into the many-sheeted bed, he collapsed as the throbbing settled into his skull. It pounded against the sides of his head, drowning out any sound from the outside world.

Holding back hundreds of profanities, Nightmare waited until the pounded reduced to a dull thrumming in the left center of his skull, then got up.

"Welp," he grumbled angrily, heading towards the door. "Goodbye sleep. Looks like I have time to burn."

The first thing that came to mind was surprisingly (N/N). The human had been on his thoughts frequently. Too frequently for his liking. Every time they joked with him, every time they gave a smile for him, it sent a shot of agony through his head. But he smiled back, laughed at their jokes, just to make them happy.

But why? If I'm not the one trying to hurt (N/N), if I'm not the bad guy, then who am I?

Of course, there was an answer there in the back of his mind, waiting to be accepted. No. I am not. I refuse to go back. I refuse to be weak again.

Stomping silently through the hallway, Nightmare heard the faint hum of the Star Room. He smiled, though he didn't know why.

Melting into the shadows of the Castle, he slid into the doorway—and there you were. Lying there in the floor, your shape was the only solid thing among the stars. It made him feel fuzzy and weird when he looked at you like that.

Then, as he stared on, (N/N) was suddenly standing. They moved so fast, Nightmare almost didn't catch it. There was no hesitation in them as they drew out a knife from seemingly nowhere and glared right at him. Of course, Nightmare knew (N/N) couldn't see him. It still put him off, though.

They called, "You don't have to hide, you know. I know you're there." Nightmare stayed quiet, contemplating his options. Then, with a skull full of pain and an elaborate sigh, he stepped out. Not bothering to brandish his tendrils, Nightmare looked behind the human. A twinge of something sparked behind his eye painfully—he pushed it away as fast as he possibly could. He met (N/N)'s gaze coldly.

"Hello, (N/N). Why are you up so late?" Yes. Start with a joke. They won't notice something's off. As (N/N) chuckled a little, Nightmare breathed a bit easier. A casual walk and they were right beside them. "I thought I'd find you in here. I imagined walking into your room to check, but that may have been a tad awkward..."

(N/N) laughed, a beautiful sound—what?—and gave him a soft punch. Suddenly, Nightmare felt a stab of pain and images flashed before his eye:

Books, littered on the dirt like trash.

A group of people, staring down at him. Laughing. Kicking. Mocking. Hurting.

A punch to his shoulder, mockingly light. "Too bad you don't have any sort of friends to save you, huh?" A voice hissed in his nonexistent ear. "Who'd want to be anywhere near a freak like you?"

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now