Chapter 19: Bittersweet

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"(N/N), please. Just wake up..."

You were jolted awake on an island. Two violet eyes stared down at you, glittering with concern.

Sitting up, you were surprised that the area your hand landed on wasn't cold and watery. Instead, it was warm and solid. Forgiving. You lay back down, staring at the dreary sky. Your eyelids slid over your dull (E/C) eyes. You decided to focus on your breathing instead of the skeleton in front of you.

"(N/N)? Are you awake?" The skeleton asked anxiously, leaning over you. If you died here with him, it would be a terribly sorry death. At least you'd be dying by his side. He flinched at the selfishness of the thought, and how easily it came.

"...(Y/N)?" The skeleton, now only lightly chained to the ocean breathed. If you didn't wake up to your real name, you wouldn't wake up at all.

You stirred irritably. He allowed himself to breath again.

"...Don't call me..." You blinked a few times, confused that you weren't in your bed. Pulling yourself into a sitting position again, you came face to face with violet eyes that you had seen so many times.

That lingering feeling you thought had left for good returned.

"Oh! (N-N/N)," the skeleton stuttered, adjusting his crown. You noticed that the sound of chains was less frequent, as was the buzzing in the air. "Thank the stars, I thought you weren't going to wake up—"

"Were you watching me sleep?" Although you did trust this strange skeleton, it was always weird to wake up with him near you. Well, not always. His face was adorable when it was dusted with violet.

"Well, not... not really," he confessed warmly. You let out a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't a creep.

Your eyes lit up as you smiled, "Thanks for not being weird. It's nice to have a friend to confine in." He smiled back, although it looked almost pained.

"...You're welcome?" You laughed at his unsure response, making him laugh too. It was a pleasant sound. Your face heated.

After the laughter died down, the two of you fell into a comforting silence. The quiet sound of water lapping on the sides of the island filled the air as you tried to think of something to say.

You thought back to all of the nights you spent with this skeleton: sharing jokes, talking about books, and even just sitting with each other. It was always so... nice. Yet there was something about him, something familiar about the way he moved and looked. You took a breath.

"(N/N), I—"

"...Who are you?"

The chained skeleton's breath caught in his throat. You noticed the chains begin to pull him downwards again, as if daring him to say something. A low chuckle rang cut through the thin air. You recognized it immediately, and glanced back at the skeleton. His pupils shrunk in fear, and he looked up to you. His eyes already seemed to be apologizing.

"(N/N), please d-don't get the wrong idea—"

You furrowed your brow before finally looking around. Your surroundings were certainly different than all of the other times you had visited.

The sky seemed to be less clouded, and you weren't on the surface of the 'ocean.' You and the skeleton were on an island. It wasn't huge, but it was still nice. The ground was warm and solid, and there were even a few—

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