Chapter 2: Magic

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Behind that closed door was a neat little room full to the brim of childish things, although you wouldn't dare to call them childish in front of Sans.

Action figures, a few scarves, and a cute little blue car bed in the corner with Chara sitting on top of its sheets, fiddling with their phone.

You silently made your way over to the bed, barely making a sound. Then you whispered right into Chara's left ear, "Boo."

They screamed a little, jumping up, looking around wildly. You doubled over laughing while the ambassador glared at you.

"(N/N)!! Stop doing that," they hissed. "You're going to give me a heart attack someday, you know."

Recovering from your fit of giggles, you shot back, "After everything you've seen, I'm pretty sure it's going to take more than just a little scare to take you down."

The human shrugged, putting their phone away. "So," you smiled, putting your hands under your chin. "How was the meeting today?"

Chara smirked. "Those Anti-Monster people are going down," they declared, their determination beaming. "We have all the best supporters, and we have the rule of majority on our side. There's really no reason for the two species to be apart!"

Your good friend Chara was the ambassador of monsterkind. Ever since they returned from the underground, they were in charge of merging humans and monsters together again. It was going splendidly, even with a few oppressors. Every monster that had ever lived under Mt. Ebott was free to do whatever they (legally) wanted, and there was peace.

It truly was a nice and perfect recovery: mostly everyone getting along, barely anymore violence, and altogether happiness.

That was something that bothered you.

Chara looked over at you, slight concern on their face. "Hey, (N/N)?" They asked softly. "Are you feeling OK? You look a bit sick."

You looked up at them, your normally (E/C) eyes dulled slightly. "I'm just..." You started, thinking through your words carefully. "...bored."

That wasn't a lie. You were bored of the peace. You were bored of the harmony. Chaos was fun. Anarchy was entertaining. Entropy was a thrill, but everything here was just... boring.

The human knew what you meant, and started fiddling with their golden locket. It was a nervous habit, they'd told you, but you had known better.

The locket had once belonged to their late brother. After a bit of gentle interrogation, they admitted that they were silently asking him for help.

A few silent moments passed before Chara brightened. You smiled again; every time they smiled it meant they had an idea. "We could visit my mom," they thought to you, "She could teach us some new things."

Ms. Toriel, former queen of the Underground, now ran a quaint little flower shop downtown. Or in Papyrus' case, just around the corner. She was kind and gentle, always handling both the most beautiful flowers and children with the most amazing amount of care.

Chara had once told you it was to make up for all of the previous fallen children. The guilt had been eating away at her soul for ages, and now she hoped she could forgive herself through golden buttercups and violet roses.

In a few minutes, the two of you were out the door. You had your backpack and phone, and several little knives and vials. Chara, of course, carried their own phone. They didn't care much for violence. In fact, they were against it, but somehow managed to tolerate you.

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now