Chapter 17: A Tale of Love and Sacrifice

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So. Uhm.

I may or may not have copied the entire story that Nightmare wrote in Dreamtale: Origins into here.

And yet, it came off surprisingly well.

Thank you. 

Mhm. Is your inspiration dying yet?

Eh, just leave them be. They wrote this chapter at a dinner party that went until 9:50 pm. Let them sleep.

Sleep is for the weak!

And I am very weak.

Well screw you too.


In, out. In out.

Breathing was really hard as you read further and further down the page.

A long time ago, we had the knowledge of three trees that existed. The tree of Magic, the tree of Feelings, and the tree of Life.

It was interesting, really. Nightmare had shown you every universe—even the weird ones—but never this one.

This story is the one of the tree of Feelings, the one that supplied all emotions that the multiverse would ever feel.

Emotions? Connected to a tree? Now that was something you were sure Nightmare would jump to show you, seeing that his strong suit was emotions.

Without these emotions, all worlds would be slow and boring, with everyone being like zombies. They would barely think, and life would be grey.

You chuckled, remembering all of the times you and Chara had watched a zombie movie. Chara would sometimes hide under the blankets, and you'd just laugh at how fake the movie was.

Little did you know that in some universes, this was a reality.

The tree bore not one, but two kinds of fruit. One side, the golden side, held all of the positive emotions of the entire multiverse. These feelings were feelings like bravery, determination, kindness, and the most powerful of them all, Love.


The word sent a flutter through your chest and the room seemed warmer, as if the very thought of it could brighten the sky. Without even realizing it, you were imagining a night in the Star Room with Nightmare. It was always so... something, the way the two of you would simply be there with each other. Enjoying everything. Just being.

The darker side held the exact opposite emotions. They held fear, recklessness, and the strongest of all, HATE.

A chill ran down your spine as your eyes turned a darker (E/C). The word was nasty even in your head, and the room temperature dropped. Or perhaps it was just you.

Pulling down your (F/C) hoodie's sleeves, you read on.

There are a few people, however, that are accidentally supplied with more negativity than others. This makes them violent and dangerous. The ones that live in Dreamtale are especially dangerous, since they all intend to harm the tree. They figured that if they couldn't be happy, why should anyone else?

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now