{ Explanations }

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Since some things in the book may have been confusing, here are a few things I want to be sure to clear up. I also sprinkled in a few side thing-a-ma-bobs, just for fun.

If you're still confused, just ask me in the comments and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

- About (N/N) -

- (N/N) is actually written to be gender neutral, which is one reason why I didn't put any sex scenes or indications (i.e. body parts) and only used the pronoun 'they.'

- You're only really bad at catching on because you're the opposite of what my original (Y/N) is. You'll see what original (Y/N) acts like in the Dream X Reader.

- You couldn't have helped Nightmare to actually break out of his own mind, you only awakened him and encouraged him to fight back.

- (N/N)'s SOUL traits are a mix: BRAVERY and DETERMINATION. The colors are supposed to be negatives of (Y/N)'s trait.

- Just in case you were thinking about it, no, (N/N) doesn't like hurting people. They only like excitement. That's why they learned the enchantment to make wounds that heal up fast. Their LV raises at a slower amount that way, even though it makes them slightly uncomfortable.

- Although you know both sides of Nightmare, you didn't know that Uncorrupted Nightmare was also the Nightmare you knew. You simply thought he was a dream figure.

- About Nightmare -

- The reason why the Castle can't be found is because it is located in the Mindscape. You can only access it by 'hacking' or getting permission from Nightmare himself.

- The book in the Hidden Archives has every AU that was destroyed by the Bad Sans.' It also has the information on Dreamtale, so yes, Nightmare knew you had the page.

- Nightmare didn't take the page from you because 1) you couldn't read it very well anyways and 2) it would have only invoked painful memories that could have brought uncorrupted Nightmare to the surface.

- This is how Nightmare kinda worked:
1. Nightmare feels terrible for existing and is afraid of hurting people because of existing
2. Darkness uses that feeling to grow stronger
3. Darkness does terrible things that Nightmare's afraid of doing
4: Start back at step one

- In Chapter 18, Nightmare suddenly reached a sort of equilibrium when he saw you get shot. Nightmare's deepest desire was suddenly to avenge your pain, which influenced the Darkness to finish the order by basically killing everyone within 10 feet (with the exception of Dream, who was only badly injured). This resulted in both a complete loss of control and a complete hold of control at once.

- Neither Nightmare nor the Darkness are skeletons. Nightmare is a (corrupted) spirit inside of a Sans shell. The Darkness is a parasitic entity that survives only with a host. It is also made of pure negativity.

- Other -

- Apologies if you came into this book seeking a sex scene/lemons. I just can't write those; I am asexual myself and that makes me really uncomfortable (plus, (N/N) was written to be gender neutral so it would have been hard as fuck to write smut).

- Many scenes from this book are shared in the Dream X Reader. I will try and keep track of each in my notes.

- 'Ghost LV,' though only mentioned once, is sorta like how you can play a game and then play it again only you know all of the loopholes. Ghost LV allows a player to fight and act much better than one that has never done a Genocide/Neutral before.

- The Whispering Spell forces the SOUL to either do bad things or cuts off their power source (i.e. Blueberry not being able to use magic). It causes the caster to be afflicted with HATE, and Dream's arrows are the only thing yet can remove HATE. You were purified of your HATE backlash when you were hit with the arrow.

- Since I hate cliches, I didn't make this a regular Nightmare X Reader. Ha! I made this a Reader X Uncorrupted!Nightmare. Yet you wouldn't realize it at first glance unless you knew what Expiation meant.

- The other Bad Sans' had their opinions about you:

      -Error saw you as kinda a friend. You were funny, and he found it easy to play around with you.

      -Raspberry just treated you like he treated pretty much everyone: flirts, teases, and occasional cussing.

      -Dust did like you, he really did. He actually had some feelings for you in the beginning, but Nightmare caught on quick and beat the shit out of him mentally as punishment. From then on he treated you as just a friend.

      -Horror loved your scent. It was enthralling and delicious, and he desperately wanted to devour you. Probably would have had Nightmare not issued the order to protect you first. Ew.

-Killer? He tolerated you. When it came time, he was not exactly ecstatic to kill you, but not exactly defiant.

      -Cross honestly didn't really care about you. Since you didn't have anything to really benefit to the X-Event! (your universe had been destroyed, so there wasn't anything to take from you) he passed you by. However, he did occasionally say hi or train with you.

- Yes, there are voices. Yes, they can be super confusing. Yes, they can influence the story. And no, there isn't anything I can tell you about them. It's kinda of a fuzzy image from here.

- Nightmare was never intended to have a happy ending. Perhaps, however, we can change that..?

- Important -

This is not the end.

I'm going to write a Dream X Reader. I'll post when the prologue/first chapter comes out. And afterwards, I'll create a final book that ties up everything (hopefully).

So I'll get to writing the other book, and should be back in around a week!

See you soon!

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