Chapter 14: Slowly

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Ooh, this took a while. But was it worth it, dear Author? Do you think it was good enough? Hm. I don't. I know you don't think it's good enough. Who knows, maybe the readers will like it.

Maybe not. Like you said.


Days passed. Your nights were more than often spent in the Star Room, and occasionally Nightmare would stop by. The two of you would simply sit in comfortable silence, or he would tell you about some constellations that he just formed.

When you were feeling especially adventurous, you would find yourself in the Library. It had what seemed like every book in the multiverse, from A-Wingding Z. Some were in English, some were in rearranged English, others were in a language that looked like nothing but scribbles.

Nightmare panicked one night when you weren't in bed or in the Star Room, but eventually found you in the Library. Of course, he didn't say he panicked, but the strife and struggle on his face was pretty clear. You didn't see that the struggle wasn't just from missing you.

You liked spending time with him in the Star Room and Library. That Nightmare was quieter, and didn't seem as bossy and cruel. He would often help you with some huge words ("Anachronistic is exactly what this book is. Out of date.") The catch was, the Nightmare from the Star Room and Library was very different from the Nightmare from training and missions.

And you felt something when you were around him. Not fear, not sadness, not anger, not anything that some of the other Sans' described to you. You felt a ticking sensation, a warm bubbling in your chest that contested the chill from your SOUL. It felt slightly like how you felt with Chara, yet...

That single mention brought curiosity to the forefront of your mind. Nightmare said they were safe, you thought, biting your lip softly. So why haven't I been allowed to see them yet?

Now wasn't the time to wonder, however. You had a lesson with Cross and Error, a special treat to take your mind off of the deeper things. It was always fun to slice and dice with your enchanted blades while avoiding  the Sans' unique attacks.

Today, you had changed from your hoodie (a very rare occurrence) to a (F/C) sweater. It was cozy and warm, a refreshing feeling when compared to the chill of the Castle. You had enchanted the fuzzy material to never tear under low pressure. Slash at it hard a few times, however...

Before you knew it, you were pushing open the doors to the Training Room. The room was huge, high ceilings and dark, wide walls creating an environment that was neither welcoming nor repulsive. It stimulated your senses, sending a rush of adrenaline through your veins.

Your shoes tapped softly on the floor as you made your way to the sidelines, where Horror was sharpening his hatchet and Dust was chatting away to thin air. You had long since discovered that he could 'see' his dead brother, but you silently called bullshit. Well, at first. After everything you've seen, anything was believable.

"Oh, hey (N/N)," the mad skeleton called, tugging his hood a bit lower. "Heard that Nightmare's coming for training today, though I don't know why. I mean, who'd want to train someone as boring as you?"

That earned him a nice punch in the shoulder. Horror giggled.

Feigning hurt, Dust shot you a dramatic look and cried, "I've been hit! Stars, Nightmare doesn't stand a chance!" His mad smile reappeared as he stalked to the center floor. Two flags appeared, one black and one white, and flew to opposite sides of the room. Ah yes, Capture the Flag. You'd always enjoyed this one, although All Out was one of your favorites.

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now